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The Music of Freemasonry
Masonic Music for Lodge and Chapter
This section is courtesy of W. Bro. Drew Grant
Treasurer,Almoner & P.M. Howdon Panns 5315 UGLE
Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden, Northumberland
Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden, Mark Master Masons, Northumberland
Provincial Grand Rank, Royal Ark Mariner, Northumberland
Past Provincial Grand Registrar, Royal Arch, Northumberland
Past Grand Guarder OSM, Northumberland


The Organist's Corner is in memory of   W. Bro. George Joseph Andrew Grant.

He was a master mason in the Athole Lodge,No 384, G.L.O.S. being initiated in 1942 and remained a member until his death in 2004 as he did in the Roman Fort Chapter, 501, also in Scotland, from 1943, so he gave over 60 years service to Craft, Mark and Chapter.

For all he was resident in England for many years he never joined an English Craft lodge because owing to his work he could not be a regular attender.

He did however join Gosforth Mark lodge in 1980, not long before his retirement, being its organist from then until his death except for when he went through its chair in 1987.

He later become Past Senior Grand Warden in the Provincial Grand Mark lodge of Northumberland.

He became organist in Howdon Panns Lodge 5315 UGLE around 1986, and quickly became organist for several other Lodges as well, he said it gave him an "interest" after he retired from work.

Recordings were made in his home in about 2000 when he was 78, he had an electronic organ at home that was a better instrument than that in the lodge and he was able to make the recordings at his own pace.

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