Review of Freemasonry

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 03.01.2013  GROUPE DE RECHERCHE ALPINA: dates de travaux en 2013   (14197 Hits)
 11.06.2012  Basel Declaration: withdrawal of GLNF's recognition - French Version   (15481 Hits)
 10.06.2012  Basel Declaration: withdrawal of GLNF's recognition is official and effective   (26054 Hits)
 07.06.2012  Exhibition: Game, Set and Lodge: Freemasons and Sport   (16618 Hits)
 02.06.2012  A new Masonic museum opened in Florence, Italy   (27606 Hits)
 30.05.2012  The 2012 Symposium of the Masonic Restoration Foundation   (14207 Hits)
 19.04.2012  12th Annual California Masonic Symposium   (16025 Hits)
 19.04.2012  29-26 May, ICHF 2013 - 4th Int'l Conference on the History of Freemasonry   (17154 Hits)
 16.04.2012  Groupe de Recherche Alpina - Confèrence de Alain Marti   (15190 Hits)
 12.04.2012  Manchester Association for Masonic Research - 2012 Programme   (16523 Hits)
 07.04.2012  The Quatuor Coronati Lodge #2076 EC Education Initiative 2012/13   (61035 Hits)
 03.04.2012  The Commission on Information for Recognition: 2012 Report   (56101 Hits)
 03.04.2012  U.S. mainstream Grand Lodges suspend recognition to GLNF   (16237 Hits)
 26.03.2012  Freemasonry in Afghanistan - Swisher Lodge   (19433 Hits)
 16.03.2012  UGLE's The Future of Freemasonry Report 2012 - Read the Report   (37805 Hits)
 12.03.2012  March 27 - Conference at the Free University of Brussels - Music and FM   (16364 Hits)
 24.02.2012  Symposium on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism - April 28, 2012   (15105 Hits)
 20.02.2012  Assn. for the Study of Esotericism, Univ. of California, Call for Papers.   (7082 Hits)
 04.02.2012  Edges of Freemasonry, Univ. of Tampere, Finland, Call for Papers   (6538 Hits)
 02.02.2012  Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076 - Meetings 2012   (6259 Hits)
 20.01.2012  Exposition. Corto maltese et les secrets de l'initiation, Paris   (6220 Hits)
 14.01.2012  Events | The Library and Museum of Freemasonry   (6103 Hits)
 02.01.2012  Masonic Society - Fourth Annual Dinner and Meeting - February 10, 2012   (5715 Hits)
 24.10.2011  The Commission on Information for Recognition: 2011 Report   (7007 Hits)
 10.10.2010  Scottish Rite Research Society awarded Ill. Alain Bernheim, 33   (13039 Hits)
 14.07.2010  CMRC and CRFF conference The Origins of Freemasonry - tickets on sale   (7578 Hits)
 16.11.2009  Exceptional discovery: a lost copy of the Francken Manuscript found in Lahore   (9026 Hits)
 05.11.2009  Judges will no longer have to declare whether they are Freemasons in UK   (20807 Hits)
 28.10.2009  FIAT LUX - Philalethes Society releases first hard cover book in 80 years   (10220 Hits)
 27.10.2009  The Freemason Academy offers level courses on Masonic Education   (13348 Hits)
 20.10.2009  Dan Brown writes a letter to the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, U.S.A.   (81583 Hits)
 20.10.2009  National Heritage Museum: Freemasonry Unmasked!: Anti-Masonic Collections   (8723 Hits)
 19.10.2009  24 Nov - Groupe de Recherche Alpina, Cycle de Conferénces Semestrielles   (7624 Hits)
 09.10.2009  California Postdoctoral Fellowship in Freemasonry   (7939 Hits)
 09.10.2009  Sheffield Lectures Vol.2 published by the Centre for Research into Freemasonry   (8527 Hits)
 09.10.2009  Midwest Conference on Masonic Edu, 61st Annual May 7-9, 2010 - Call for Papers   (7516 Hits)
 29.05.2009  The Commission on Information for Recognition: 2009 Report   (12024 Hits)
 11.05.2009  Oct. 8-10, 12th Int'l Symposium on the History of Spanish Freemasonry, Almería   (12148 Hits)
 10.05.2009  The Masonic Digital Project by ANZMRC   (8393 Hits)
 06.05.2009  International Conference, Université de Nice, 2-3 July 2009 - Programme   (9133 Hits)
 06.05.2009  'Harashim' Issue 46, the quarterly newsletter of ANZMRC is online   (7838 Hits)
 05.05.2009  Oct 24-25, CMRC & CRFF Int'l Conference on 'The Origins of FM' - Call for papers   (6503 Hits)
 05.05.2009  Oct. 14, 2009 - Association of Atholl Lodges - 'Question Time' event, London   (6594 Hits)
 02.05.2009  29-31 May, ICHF 2009 - 2nd Int'l Conference on the History of Freemasonry   (6779 Hits)
 28.04.2009  Symposium on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism - Call for Papers   (7249 Hits)
 23.04.2009  May 14 - Next Meeting of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 EC   (7113 Hits)
 20.04.2009  Exhibition: Freemasonry and the French Revolution, London, 1st July-18th Dec. 09   (8389 Hits)
 19.04.2009  Sheffield Lectures Vol. 1 published by the Centre for Research into Freemasonry   (7435 Hits)
 18.04.2009  May, 27 - Centenary of the Manchester Association for Masonic Research   (7358 Hits)
 17.04.2009  Yasha Beresiner proclaimed the New Blue Friar for 2009 in Alexandria, Virginia.   (7484 Hits)
 29.03.2009  Oct. 4-6, 2009 - Biennial Session of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, S.J., USA   (9249 Hits)
 29.03.2009  Oct. 6, 2009 - Alain Bernheim invited as Guest Speaker for the SRRS meeting.   (5776 Hits)
 28.03.2009  G.L. State of New York: Grand Master's Easter & Passover Message to the Craft   (7063 Hits)
 27.03.2009  2 May - GRA - Conférence de Bertrand Heyraud, VM Loge de Recerche GLNF   (8537 Hits)
 26.03.2009  MW Bro. Bogdanov, G.M. of Russian freemasonry to run for Olympic city mayor   (9153 Hits)
 11.03.2009  The Midwest Conference on Masonic Education April 24 - 26, 2009 Springfield, IL   (6141 Hits)
 29.01.2009  May 2, Ninth Annual California Masonic Symposium   (6968 Hits)
 15.12.2008  International Conference, Université de Nice, 2-3 July 2009 - Call for Papers   (9669 Hits)
 09.12.2008  A Certificate of Initiation signed by Prince Hall, 1799 June 23.   (9987 Hits)
 16.10.2008  Grande Loge Suisse Alpina - Voyage a Londres du 30 Janvier 2009   (7560 Hits)
 11.10.2008  Masonic Week - Feb. 12, 2009 Alexandria, VA - Official Program   (11179 Hits)
 07.10.2008  Nov 15, 'Is Masonic Ritual Magic?' - Swiss Alpina Research Group Conference   (7262 Hits)
 29.09.2008  The premiere issue of The Journal of The Masonic Society   (6918 Hits)
 16.09.2008  Papers Presented at Masonic World Conference 2008 Now Available   (9498 Hits)
 15.09.2008  Consecrated the very first lodge of Mark Master Masons in Italy.   (8180 Hits)
 14.09.2008  Sept 24, Opening of the Geneva Lodges in Switzerland   (7284 Hits)
 12.09.2008   UGLE - Pro GM Lord Northampton has announced he is to retire in 2009   (8675 Hits)
 09.09.2008  The Commission on Information for Recognition: 2008 Report   (8713 Hits)
 08.09.2008  U.S. Grand Lodges 2007 Membership is under 1.5 million   (14806 Hits)
 08.09.2008  The Cornerstone Society 2008 Conference. London 29 Nov.   (7642 Hits)
 08.09.2008  New look and format for The Square Magazine   (6938 Hits)
 07.09.2008  The Centre for Research into Freemasonry: Lectures in Autumn 2008   (7087 Hits)
 06.09.2008  Canonbury Masonic Research Centre 2008 Conference. London,25-26 Oct.   (12048 Hits)
 05.09.2008  Exhibition: Women and Freemasonry: The Centenary   (7190 Hits)
 04.09.2008  Pennsylvania Academy of Masonic Knowledge next meeting on Oct. 11   (6927 Hits)
 30.05.2008  Conference The Expression of Freemasonry, Leiden University - call for papers   (8636 Hits)
 30.05.2008  Mariners and the Masonic Empire - Congress of Maritime History, Greenwich UK   (10485 Hits)
 12.05.2008  The Constitution & Bylaws of The Masonic Society   (31912 Hits)
 03.05.2008  A new and exciting organization: The Masonic Society   (8714 Hits)
 22.04.2008  Int'l Conference on the History of Freemasonry. Edinburgh , 29-31 May 2009   (8246 Hits)
 11.04.2008  The Grand lodge of the State of Israel has inaugurated the newTemple   (12948 Hits)
 10.04.2008  Masonic Library Acquires Trial Manuscripts of Knights Templar   (9286 Hits)
 16.02.2008  World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges - May 7-10, 2008   (9478 Hits)
 15.02.2008  Benjamin Franklin Exhibit at National Heritage Museum   (7599 Hits)
 15.02.2008  Upcoming Exhibit - G.L. of Massachusetts: Celebrating 275 Years of Brotherhood   (7300 Hits)
 14.02.2008  OVN New Guide to Dutch Masonic archives   (8035 Hits)
 12.02.2008  March 13, CRF - The director Dr. Andreas Önnerfors will give his first lecture   (7586 Hits)
 29.01.2008  Canonbury Programme of Public Lectures - Spring-Summer 2008   (7229 Hits)
 29.01.2008  2008 Conference | Canonbury Masonic Research Centre | Call for papers   (7278 Hits)
 15.01.2008  The Philalethes Society's Annual Assembly, Feast and Forum   (6747 Hits)
 14.01.2008  New Exhibit on American Freemasonry Opens Spring 2008   (9420 Hits)
 10.01.2008  News from The Swiss Alpina Research Group   (6739 Hits)
 18.12.2007  A new record for PS Review of Freemasonry this year 2007   (6794 Hits)
 14.12.2007  News from the Centre for Research into Freemasonry   (6586 Hits)
 10.12.2007   Grand Master of Scotland Address at the European Grand Masters Meeting   (8302 Hits)
 08.12.2007  UGLE Pro Grand Masters Address at the European Grand Masters Meeting   (16942 Hits)
 04.12.2007  The Library and Museum of Freemasonry, London   (8438 Hits)
 14.11.2007  International Conference on the History of Freemasonry   (6932 Hits)
 10.11.2007  24 Nov, GRA - Conférence de Jean-François Maury La Methode Maçonnique   (8574 Hits)
 08.11.2007  W.Bro. Brent Morris installed as Master of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 (EC)   (8962 Hits)
 30.10.2007  The Commission on Information for Recognition: 2007 Report   (9342 Hits)
 01.10.2007  Bruxelles Nov.24 - Jaunaux gives a lecture at Lodge of Research Ars Macionica   (7151 Hits)
 28.09.2007  Dec. 10, 2007 - Livingston Library Events: The State of Masonic Education   (7141 Hits)
 22.09.2007  Andreas Onnefors new Director of Centre for Research into Freemasonry   (7526 Hits)
 15.09.2007  November 10, 2007 - The Cornerstone Society - Northern Conference   (7189 Hits)
 08.08.2007  Canonbury Masonic Research Centre 2007 Conference - 3-4 November 2007   (9849 Hits)
 01.06.2007  European Court of Human Rights: Italian Regional Law is discriminatory   (13532 Hits)
 27.04.2007  Exhibit of anti-Masonic Items at The H. Coil Library & Museum of FM   (12086 Hits)
 26.04.2007  2007 AMMLA Congress - Paris, May 3rd-6th -- AMMLA: The Statutes   (8415 Hits)
 18.04.2007  The Library and Museum of Freemasonry lunchtime talks   (9035 Hits)
 18.04.2007  International Conference on the History of Freemasonry (ICHF)   (8577 Hits)
 11.04.2007  The George Washington Masonic Memorial announces two digital history projects   (10339 Hits)
 11.04.2007  Bruxelles May 12 - M. Scanlan gives a lecture at Lodge of Research Ars Macionica   (7965 Hits)
 28.03.2007  Internet Lodge 9659 announce a Short Papers Competition.   (10633 Hits)
 16.02.2007  June 2, 2007 - The Cornerstone Society - Summer Conference   (10185 Hits)
 02.02.2007  Prof. Prescott resigns from the Centre for Research into Freemasonry   (7741 Hits)
 26.01.2007  Bruxelles Febr. 24, 2007. Bernheim new Master of Lodge of Research Ars Macionica   (7833 Hits)
 24.01.2007  The Philalethes Society’s Annual Assembly, Feast and Forum   (7570 Hits)
 16.01.2007  Quatuor Coronati Lodge 2076 UGLE - Meetings 2007   (7782 Hits)
 16.01.2007  Canonbury Masonic Research Centre - Meetings Febr-June 2007   (7673 Hits)
 10.01.2007  The Roosevelt Center for the Study of Civil Society and Freemasonry   (8031 Hits)
 09.01.2007  Travaux de la Loge de recherche en histoire maçonnico-maritime The Link # 2   (8809 Hits)
 02.01.2007  Grande Loge Suisse Alpina - Communiqué   (8724 Hits)
 02.01.2007  2006 - An Year of Successes for PS Review of FM. Read our Stats   (7504 Hits)
 26.12.2006  Brother and former US President Gerald A. Ford has died   (10173 Hits)
 20.12.2006  The Canonbury Papers - Vol.3 : Freemasonry and Religion   (7675 Hits)
 07.11.2006  The Grand Chaplain of the GLRI has passed to the GLA   (8510 Hits)
 06.11.2006  The Norman B. Spencer Fund - Prize Essay Competition   (8350 Hits)
 30.08.2006  4-5 Nov. 2006 Canonbury Masonic Research Centre 2006 Conference - Program   (8773 Hits)
 30.08.2006  11 Nov. 2006, The Cornerstone Society - Northern Conference 2006   (8194 Hits)
 29.08.2006  6-8 October 2006 Eighth ANZMRC Conference - Ballarat, Victoria, Australia   (8570 Hits)
 29.08.2006  28-29 Sept. 2006, OVN - Masonic symbolism in 18th century gardens - program   (11178 Hits)
 29.08.2006  29-30 Set 2006, Brasilia - XIV Curso de Maçonaria Simbolica   (12410 Hits)
 29.05.2006  OVN - Masonic symbolism in 18th century gardens - call for papers   (8773 Hits)
 29.05.2006  The Israeli Freemason - April 2006   (9132 Hits)
 20.03.2006  The Editor of PS Review of FM awarded by the Philalethes Society   (9419 Hits)
 19.03.2006  Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, London - the next meetings   (8391 Hits)
 16.03.2006  Canonbury Masonic Research Centre 2006 Conference   (8789 Hits)
 15.03.2006  International Conference on the History of Freemasonry (ICHF) - 25-27 May 2007   (9063 Hits)
 15.03.2006  The Cornerstone Society - Summer Conference 2006   (8134 Hits)

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