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StarRed Special Project 2012 Turkey

The Centenary Celebrations 1909-2009
Logo Symposium PS Review of Freemasonry

Freemasonry and Brotherhood

First International Masonology Simposium
23 October 2009, Ankara


hot masonic paper From Religious Denomination to A Supreme Being: the unifying and differentiating
    functions of belief in Freemasonry
by W Bro Celil Layiktez and MW Bro M. Remzi Sanver
hot masonic paper International Brotherhood: to seek for that which was lost by W Bro John Belton
hot masonic paper Brothers Under the Skin by W Bro Tony Pope
hot masonic paper The Curious Case of Bro Gustav Petrie: a model for the doing of Masonic historical
by W Bro Trevor Stewart
hot masonic paper Rupture in Brotherhood: 1965 by W Bro Yavuz Selim Ağaoğlu

StarRed Special Project 2009 Australia

PS Review of Freemasonry
ANZMRC PS Review of Freemasonry

Travelling Light

Ten selected papers first published by
the Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council.

Plus an illustrated account of the formation and activities of the ANZMRC:
by W.Bro. Tony Pope, Editor of the ANZMRC’s publications.

hot masonic paper A Separate Reality-Anthropology, Ritual and Today’s Mason by Roel van Leeuwen
hot masonic paper The Degrees of the Practical Masons by Neil Wynes Morse
hot masonic paper An Exile from Canada to Van Diemen’s Land by Wallace McLeod
hot masonic paper The Mason Mark by Ken Brindal
hot masonic paper The Masonic Approach to Self-Development by Phillip Hellier
hot masonic paper Lord Carnarvon in Australia by James Daniel
hot masonic paper Mysticism, Masculinity and Masonry by David Slater
hot masonic paper The Hung Society and Freemasonry the Chinese Way by Graham Stead
hot masonic paper Science, Freemasonry and the Third Millennium by Robert Collins Barnes
hot masonic paper greenMASONRY: Nature and Freemasonry by Geoffrey Ludowyk

StarRed Special Project 2008 USA

PS Review of Freemasonry meets the SCOTTISH RITE RESEARCH SOCIETY
PS Review of Freemasonry

Seeking More Light

Ten selected papers first published on HEREDOM,
The Transactions of the Scottish Rite Research Society.

Plus the text of two Albert Pike's Speeches:
¨ St.John's Address - A Rediscovered Speech
¨ Address before the Grand Consistory of Louisiana

hot masonic paper The Mystery of the Royal Arch Word by Arturo de Hoyos, 33°
hot masonic paper The Symbolism of Colors in the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite by Leon Zeldis 33°
hot masonic paper A Philosophical Background for Masonic Symbolism by W. Kirk MacNulty 32°
hot masonic paper The Order of Kilwinning, the Present Royal Order of Scotland by Alain Bernheim 33°
hot masonic paper St. John’s Day Among the Creek: A Rediscovered Speech of A. Pike by J.T.Tresner 33°, G.C.
hot masonic paper King Solomon and the Temple Builder: a Biblical Reading of Giorgione's Painting
   "The Three Philosophers"
by Neil K. MacLennan, 32°, and Ross S. Kilpatrick
hot masonic paper Understanding Manhood In America - Freemasonry’s Timeless Role by Robert G. Davis 33°
hot masonic paper Albert Pike’s Address before the Grand Consistory of Louisiana by Michael R. Poll 32°
hot masonic paper The Degree of Knight of the Sword and of Rose-Croix by W.D.Parker 33° & S.Brent Morris 33°
hot masonic paper An Introduction to the High Degrees of Freemasonry by Henrik Bogdan, VII°

StarRed Projet Spécial 2007 Switzerland

MASONICA, La Revue du GRA rencontre PS Review of FM
PS Review of Freemasonry

Chercheurs de Lumière

témoignage de plus de vingt ans d'activités
du Groupe de Recherche Alpina (GRA), Groupe de Recherche Maçonnique Suisse.

hot masonic paper Fin de la Maçonnerie? par Jean Bénédict
hot masonic paper La Franc-Maçonnerie face aux dictatures par J.A. Ferrer Benimeli
hot masonic paper La question de Dieu par Jean Bénédict
hot masonic paper Qu’est-ce que la FM, pour nous, ici et maintenant? par Alain Bernheim
hot masonic paper La Franc-Maçonnerie ou voyage au centre de l'être par Michel Warnery
hot masonic paper Le Plus Ancien Rituel Maçonnique Manuscrit Français? par Alain Bernheim
hot masonic paper La légende d’Hiram: les formes traditionnelles de l’initiation par Jean-Daniel Graf
hot masonic paper À propos du GADL’U, du temps et de la connaissance par Michel Jaccard
hot masonic paper En Soph - En Reichit (Sans fin - sans commencement). Scha'are'Orah - Portæ Lucis ou
    la Métaphysique de la Gnose juive
par Michel Warnery
hot masonic paper Schibboleth ou le sens alchimique des hébraïsmes maçonniques par Remo Boggio

StarRed Special Project 2006 GreatBritain

square magazine serving freemasonry first
10 featured papers first published on The Square Magazine from 1996 through 2006
now online on this website to celebrate the 10 years of PS Review of Freemasonry
hot masonic paper A Pragmatic Masonic History by Leo Zanelli
hot masonic paper The Mark Degree by Craig David
hot masonic paper The York Rite. An Echo of the Antients? by Jack Chisholm
hot masonic paper The Freemasons in China
hot masonic paper Who were the Ruffians? by C.Bruce Hunter
hot masonic paper Temples around the World: Philadelphia
hot masonic paper Euclid on the Square by Craig Gavin
hot masonic paper Landmarks an Mysteries: who needs them? by Mark Domenic
hot masonic paper A Look at a Lodge by Bernard Williamson
hot masonic paper Mystery of the Royal Arch by Gavin Domenic


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