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La Loggia di Ricerca della
Gran Loggia Regolare d'Italia

Ven.mo Fr.Bruno V. Gazzo, Maestro Venerabile

A :
FF. Membri Effettivi della Loggia
Tutti i FF. Maestri della GLRI
FF. Maestri di Gran Logge Estere in amicizia con la GLRI

Caro Fratello,
sei invitato a partecipare alla Prima Riunione Regolare della Loggia che si terrà in Roma - Piazza di Ponte S.Angelo 32

Sabato 20 Marzo 2004 - ore 15
  1. Apertura della Loggia
  2. Lettura della Convocazione
  3. Lettura ed approvazione del verbale della Seconda Riunione Regolare della Loggia tenuta il 4 ottobre 2003.
  4. Per ricevere e salutare il Gran Maestro della Gran Loggia Regolare d' Italia
  5. Presentazione e lettura della relazione :
    Massoni Arabi ed Ebrei in Terra Santa
    del Ven.mo Fr. Leon Zeldis,
    Assistente Gran Maestro Onorario, G.L. dello Stato d' Israele.
  6. Raccolta per il Fondo della Benevolenza
  7. Chiusura della Loggia

NOTA BENE : La lettura verrà fatta in italiano.
Domande e risposte verranno fatte con traduzione simultanea.

I FF. della GLRI sono invitati a prenotarsi compilando il modulo di partecipazione presente sul sito ufficiale della Loggia Quatuor Coronati #112.
Dato che la capienza della Loggia è limitata si consiglia di compilare e inviare il modello per la prenotazione quanto prima.
A tutti coloro che invieranno il modello sarà spedito anticipatamente per e-mail un ampio estratto in italiano della lettura.
Solo quelli che avranno prenotato in anticipo avranno la certezza di partecipare ai lavori.

Su comando del Maestro Venerabile,
sinceramente e fraternamente

Ven. Fr. Daniele Massimi, Segretario


The Lodge of Research of
The Regular Grand Lodge of Italy

R.W.Bro. Bruno V. Gazzo, P.Asst.GM, Worshipful Master

To :
Master Masons who are Members of any Constitution recognised by The Regular Grand Lodge of Italy.

Dear Sir & Brother,

The Worshipful Master R.W Bro. Bruno Gazzo has directed me to invite you to attend the First Regular Meeting of this Lodge to be held on

Saturday, 20th March, 2004 - 15:00 PM

at the Masonic Temple, 32 Piazza di Ponte S.Angelo, Rome at 15:00 hrs .The Lodge will be tyled at 15:30 hrs.
  1. To open the Lodge
  2. To read the summons convening the meeting
  3. To read, and if approved, confirm the minutes of the Second Regular Meeting held on Saturday 4th October, 2003.
  4. To receive and greet the Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy.
  5. To receive a Lecture by W.Bro. Leon Zeldis,
    Hon. Assistant Grand Master, the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel

  7. To collect alms for Charity
  8. To close the Lodge

NOTICE : The lecture will be delivered in italian , but the original english text is available in Lodge.
Visiting Master Masons who are Members of any Constitution recognised by The Regular Grand Lodge of Italy are most welcome as guests.
To attend the meeting Brethren have to book by filling out the on-line form published on Quatuor Coronati Lodge Official Website.
Please be advised: Only those who have booked in advance by e-mail will be certain to attend the meeting.

Booking Form

Yours Sincerely and Fraternally
W.Bro. Daniele Massimi, Secretary

Leon Zeldis



Read Bibliography

Craft Masonry

Initiated in "América" Lodge N° 86, Santiago, Chile (1959). Moved to Israel in 1962. Founder of "La Fraternidad: Lodge N° 62 of Tel Aviv (1970), first Spanish-speaking lodge in Israel, working in the AASR.

Elected to various offices in the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel, until receiving the title of Honorary Assistant Grand Master (1995).


York Rite


Royal Arch, First Principal of Har Sinai Chapter (1985).

Received Degrees of Captivity, Royal, Select and Super-Excellent Master Degrees, Royal Ark Mariner.

Elected to various offices in R. A. Grand Chapter, last one being Grand Chaplain.


Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite

Elevated to 4th Degree AASR in 1969, Coroneted Active Sovereign Grand Inspector General 33° in 1991, served as Grand Secretary General 1993-1995, elected Sovereign Grand Commander 1996-1998.


Operatives: IV° (1999)


Masonic Research bodies:

Founder Member, Chair of Philosophical and Masonic Studies "Dr. René García Valenzuela", Universidad La República, Santiago, Chile.

Fellow, Philalethes Society.

Contributing Member, Scottish Rite Research Society (USA).

Member, Society of Blue Friars.

Correspondence member, Quatuor Coronati Lodge N° 2076, England.


Honorary Member:


"Rey Salomón" Lodge N° 105, Lima, Perú (1982)

Supreme Council for Italy (1996)

Academia Maçónica de Letras de Pernambuco, Brazil (1997)

"Salem" Lodge of Perfection N° 12, Haifa, Israel (1997)

Supreme Council for France (1998)

"King Solomon" Lodge of Perfection N° 13, Ra'anana, Israel (1998)

"Montefiore" Lodge N° 753, Glasgow, Scotland (1999)

"Hermes" Lodge N° 13, Madrid, (2000).

"Max Polliack" Rose-Croix Chapter N° 4, Ra'anana, Israel (2002)

"Lázaro Cárdenas del Río" Lodge N° 57, México City (2002).


Chartered Founder:


"La Fraternidad" Lodge N° 62, Tel Aviv, Israel (1970)

"Mount Moriah" Rose-Croix Chapter N° 2, Jerusalem, Israel (1975)

"Ramat Gan" N° 6 Lodge of Perfection, Ramat Gan, Israel (1978)

"La Esperanza" N° 72 Lodge, Haifa, Israel (1978)

"France" Lodge N° 77, Jerusalem, Israel (1993)

"Jerusalem" Lodge N° 909, Paris, France (1995)

"Jerusalem" Lodge N° 91, Roma, Italy (1996)

"Igualdad" Rose-Croix Chapter N° 3, Tel Aviv, Israel (1998)

"Galilee" Lodge N° 31, Nazareth, Israel (2003)


Other distinctions:


Representative of the Grand Lodge of Chile near the Grand Lodge of Israel (1976-1993).

Representative of Grand Chapter of South Carolina near the Grand Chapter of Israel (1983).

Representative of the Supreme Council of Ecuador near the Supreme Council of Israel (1991)

Awarded Tiradentes Medal, Supreme Council of the Federal Republic of Brazil (1992)

Representative of the Grand Lodge of Spain near the Grand Lodge of Israel (1993)

Thrice-Potent Master ad-Vitam, "Unión Fraternal" Lodge of Perfection N° 10, Tel Aviv, Israel (1994)

Award for Sister Supreme Councils for the Year 1995, Supreme Council of Turkey (1995)

Representative of the Supreme Council of Chile near the S.C. of Israel (1995)

Certificate of Achievement and Membership, Universal Council N° 70, Knight Masons of the U.S.A. (2000)

Representative of the Grand Lodge of Spain near the Grand Lodge of Israel (2001)


Non-Masonic distinctions


Honorary Consul of Chile in Tel Aviv, since 1963.

Order of Bernardo O'Higgins (awarded by the Chilean Government).

Member, MENSA International.



1            MASONIC


1.1      Books


Estudios Masónicos (Spanish), La Fraternidad Lodge, Tel Aviv, 1990.

1991 Yearbook of the AASR Supreme Council for Israel (Editor), Tel Aviv, 1991.

Organización de la Logia Masónica (Spanish), private edition, Tel Aviv, 1992.

Masonic Chronology in Context, Kessinger Publishing Co., Kila, MT (USA), 1993.

Estudos Maçónicos (Portuguese), Editora “A Trolha”, Brazil, 1995.

Cronología Masónica y General (Spanish), Iberediciones, Madrid, 1995.

Crestomatía Masónica (Spanish), private edition, Herzlia, 1996.

Manual of Organization of the Lodge of Perfection, Supreme Council of Israel, Tel Aviv, 1997.

Las Canteras Masónicas (Spanish), Kompás Ediciones, Madrid, 1997.

Entre la Escuadra y el Compás (Spanish), Kompás Ediciones, Madrid, 1999.    

As Pedreiras de Salomão (Portuguese), A Trolha, Londrina, Brazil, 2001.               

Masonic Symbols and Signposts, Anchor Communications (USA), 2003.


1.2       Editor of publications:


Israel Scottish Rite, 1987 - 2003

The Israel Freemason, 1992 - 2001


1.3       Articles

Abbreviations: AQC – Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge N° 2076, London, UK.

IF -           Israel Freemason, Journal of the Grand Lodge of The State of Israel, Tel Aviv.

ISR -           Israel Scottish Rite, Journal of the Supreme Council 33° of Israel, Tel Aviv.

MSA -           The Masonic Service Association, USA.

RMCH – Revista Masónica de Chile, Journal of the Grand Lodge of Chile, Santiago.


Proposition for action by Israeli Freemasonry (in Hebrew), IF, 39/2-3, August 1972.

Hear, O Israel, IF, 41/41, July 1974.

The Acacia, AQC, Vol. 88 (1975).

The value of symbolism, IF, December 1981.

An Apprentice is not a student (in Hebrew), IF, 1/1985.

Mordechai Abinum de Lima y Sola, Founder of Chilean Freemasonry, IF, 1/1984.

Program of Study for the Second Degree (Hebrew), IF, 1/1985.

Stone, IF, 1/1985.

Program of Study for the Third Degree (Hebrew), IF, February 1985.

Teachings of the Masonic Order, IF, 2/1985.

Campanella’s “City of the Sun”, The Philalethes, Vol. 39 N° 4, August 1986.

The Role of Freemasons in Society, ISR, May 1987.

Profile: Ill. Bro. Joseph E.A. Salem, 33°, ISR, November 1988.

Fraternity as a Moral Imperative, ISR, November 1988.

Jacob’s Ladder in Masonic Iconography, AQC, Vol. 101 (1988), October 1989.

Notes on the 31st Degree, ISR, December 1989.

The Opening Ritual, IF, 1/1990.

Comienzos de la Resp. Logia “La Fraternidad” N° 62, Revista 20° Aniversario, R.L. “La Fraternidad” N° 62, Tel Aviv, 1990.

La Plancha Trazada del Primer Grado, Revista 20° Aniversario, R.L. “La Fraternidad” N° 62, Tel Aviv, 1990.

The Hiramic Legend and the Symbolism of the Master’s Degree, S.A. Masonic News, South Africa, Vol. 8, N÷ 1, July 1991.

La Masonería en Israel, RMCH, N° 7-9, September-November 1991.

Origins of the Supreme Council for the State of Israel, 1991 Yearbook, Supreme Council for Israel, 17 November 1991.

Illustrious Brother Isaac Grassiani, 33÷, 1991 Yearbook, Supreme Council for Israel, 17 November 1991.

La Francmasonería en Israel, Génesis, Madrid, October-December 1991.

King Solomon’s Quarries, The Holy Land R.A. Chapter Nº 8 Bulletin Nº 2, Tel Aviv, December 1991.

La Massoneria in Israele (Italian), in La Massoneria Oggi, José A. Benimeli and Aldo A. Mola, Editors, Bastogi, Foggia, Italy, December 1991.

Logias en Israel, A Trolha, Londrina, Brazil, Nº 63, January 1992.

The Hiramic Legend and the Symbolism of the Master’s Degree, The Philalethes, Vol. XLV, Number 1, February, 1992.

Las Planchas Trazadas: su Historia y su Simbolismo, RMCH, Part I: 1-2 March-April 1992; Part II: 3-4 May-June 1992; Part III: 5-6 July-August 1992.

Aportes Sefarditas a la Francmasonería, Los Muestros, Brussels, March 1992.

Apertura de Trabajos, Génesis, Madrid, Vol. II, Nº 6, April-June 1992.

Solsticio de Invierno, Habacuc, Rio de Janeiro, Nº 21, April-June 1992.

King Solomon’s Quarries, Short Talk Bulletin Vol. 70 Nº 8, MSA, August 1992.

El color rojo, O Tradicional, Olinda (Brazil), August 1992.

Sts. John, Solstices and Freemasonry, The Philalethes, Vol. XLV, Number 4, August 1992.

Por los números que os son conocidos, A Trolha, Londrina, Brazil, Nº 70, August 1992.

Masonería no ritual, Génesis, Vol. II, Nº 7, July-September 1992.

A cripta na tradiçao Judaica (Portuguese), O Prumo, Florianopolis, Brazil, Nº 85, July-August 1992.

Jerusalem: Symbolic Cradle of Freemasonry, American Masonic Review, Winter 1992, Vol. 2, Nº 1.

St. John, Solstice & Freemasonry, Transactions of the Illinois Lodge of Research, October 1992.

Orígenes del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado, Génesis, Nº 8 Vol. II, Madrid, October-December 1992.

As Minas do Rei Salomão (in Portuguese), O Prumo, Florianopolis, Brazil, Nº 87, November-December 1992.

Colour Symbolism in Freemasonry, AQC, Vol. 105 (1992).

The Eternal East: meaning and implications (in Hebrew), in Lodge Rashbi Nº 8, publication to celebrate Rashbi Lodge’s 60th anniversary, Jerusalem, January 1993.

Solstício de Inverno (in Portuguese), O Prumo, Brazil, Nº 88, January-February, 1993.

Aportes Sefarditas a la Francmasonería (in two parts), FORO, Mexico, Year 4, Nº 11, February 1993, and Nº 12, March 1993.

Luz para o Leste (in Portuguese), O Prumo, Brazil, Nº 88 January-February, 1993.

Logias en Israel de habla española, Génesis, Spain, Vol. II., Nº 9, January-March 1993.

Aportes Sefarditas a la Francmasonería, in Masonería Española y Americana, V International Symposium of History of Spanish Masonry, Zaragoza, Spain, 1993.

La Francmasonería en el Estado de Israel, A Trolha, Nº 80, June 1993.

Hiram Abi, Otra explicación, RMCH, Nº 5-6-7, July-September 1993.

Fraternity as a moral value (Hebrew), IF, Nº 3/1993.

Freemasonry in Israel, The Philalethes, Vol. XLVII, Nº 1, February 1994.

Colour Symbolism in Freemasonry, Short Talk Bulletin Vol.  72,  Nº 4, MSA, April 1994.

Organización de la Logia Masónica, O Cravo, Maceio (AL), Brazil, Year III, Nº 19 & Nº 21, 1994.

Symbolism of colors in Freemasonry (Hebrew), IF, Nº 1/1994.

Solsticio de Invierno, Renacimiento Nº 46, La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico, Segunda Epoca, Nº 2, March 1994.

Masonic Blue, The Philalethes, Vol. XLVIII, Nº 4, August 1994.

Un enfoque esotérico del Grado XVIII, A Maçonaria no Estado de Sao Paulo, Nº 226, Brazil, 20 September 1994.

The symbolism of stone, AQC, London, Vol. 106 (1993), October 1994.

Bible, Tanach, Koran, side by side on the altar, Algemeen Maחonniek Tijdschrift, The Netherlands, 48, 10, October 1994.

Ausbilding als Schlüssel zur Toleranz (German), Eleusis, Germany, 4/94, October 1994.

Jerusalem - the Cradle of Freemasonry, The Cincinnati Mason, Vol. 2 Nº 5, September-October 1994.

Un enfoque esotérico del Grado XVIII, Excelsior, Buenos Aires, Argentine, Year 1, Nº 2 - November 1994.

The symbolism of stone, The Philalethes, Vol. XLVII, Nº 6, December 1994.

La Palabra, O Pelicano, Curitiba, Brazil, Dec. 1994/Jan. 1995.

An overview of Israeli Freemasonry - Past and Present, The Cincinnati Mason, Vol. 3, Nº 1, January-February 1995.

La Acacia, Liberdade e Uniao, Nº 125, Goiania, Brazil, January-February     1995.

Neues aus Israel (German), Blaue Blaetter, Vienna, Austria, Nº 233, February 1995.

A Maçonaria em Israel, A Trolha, Nº 100, February 1995.

Las Canteras del Rey Salomón, Símbolo, Buenos Aires, Argentine, Year XLVIII, Nº 55, February-March 1995.

Freemasonry - on the up and up, SA Masonic News, Vol. II, Nº 4, Natal, South Africa, March 1995.

Aportes Sefarditas, A Trolha, Nº 101, March 1995.

Colour Symbolism in Freemasonry, The NSW Freemason, Vol. 27, Nº 2, Sydney, Australia, April 1955.

Logias de habla española en Israel, Egrégora, Brasilia, Brazil, Year I, Nº 8, March-May 1995.

Der 18th Grad des A\A\S\R\ in esoterischer Sicht (German), Der Schottische Ritus, Nº 11, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 1995.

La palabra, A Gazeta Maçonica, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Nº 199, July-August 1995.

El Azul Masónico, RMCH, Nº 5-6, 1995.

Jerusalem, cuna legendaria de la Francmasonería, Acción Masónica, Hialeah, FL (USA), Nº 97, October-November 1995.

A hitherto unknown Hebrew-speaking lodge in Egypt, AQC, Vol. 107 (1994), October 1995.

Freemasonry in Russia (Hebrew), IF, Nº 2/1995.

Jerusalem - berço legendario da Franco Maçonaria (Portuguese, translated by Ivanes Lopes), O Delta, Year I, Nº 2, Natal, Brazil, October 1995.

La Masonería en el Siglo XXI, Supremo Consejo de México, Nº 31, Year 24, Vol. 1, October-December 1995.

El Grado de la Marca, Liberdade e Uniao, Goiania, Brazil, July-September 1995.

Hiram Abi - una explicación, Liberdade e Uniao, Goiania, Brazil, July-September 1995.

The key word is enthusiasm, SA Masonic News, Vol. 12 Nº 2, October 1995, Natal, South Africa.

Jerusalem, cuna legendaria de la Francmasonería, RMCH, Nº 7-8, 1995.

Jerusalem, cuna legendaria de la Francmasonería, Boletín Interno, Grande Loja Maçonica do Estado de Goiás (Brazil), Nº 29/30, October-November 1995.

The Symbolism of colors in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Heredom, Washington, D.C., Vol. 4, 1995.

Education as the key to tolerance, Berich ueber die 39th Konferenz der Europaeischen Souveraenen Gross-Kommandeure des A.A.S.R.(German), Berlin, March 1996.

O Grau da Marca, O Delta, Natal, Brazil, March 1996.

La Francmasonería en Rusia, RMCH, Nº 1-2, March-April 1996.

El color azul en la Masonería Simbólica, Revista Masónica, RSL La Esperanza, Haifa, Israel, Nº 7, June 1996.

El Grado de la Marca, O Malhete, Juiz de Fora - MG, Brazil, May 1996.

Por los números que os son conocidos, Acacia, Nº 21, Chiapas, Mexico, July-September 1996.

An old Spanish tradition concerning Adonhiram, AQC, Vol. 108, 1995, October 1996.

La espada flamígera, IOD, Sao Paulo, Brazil, September-Octuber 1996.

Simbolismo y Comunicación, RMCH, Nº 7-8, 1996.

Jerusalén: cuna legendaria de la Francmasonería, Suplemento de Información Cultural, Instituto Cultural Israel-Ibero América, Jerusalem, May-September 1996.

Symbolism of colors (Finish), Koilliskulma, Number 4, 1996.

Los comienzos del Arco Real, Acacia, Chiapas, Mexico, Nº 22, October-December 1996.

La Francmasonería en la Independencia de Chile y de América, Mito y Realidad, Revista Diplomacia, publication of the Diplomatic Academy of Chile, Nº 71, Santiago, December 1996.

Jerusalem - cuna legendaria de la Francmasonería, Aguia do Planalto, Goiania, Brazil, December 1996.

A necesidade do símbolo (Portuguese), IOD, Sao Paulo, Brasil, Nº 38, January-February 1997.

Maçonaria além Fronteiras (Portuguese), O Reunificador, CARMAB, Sao Critovao - SE, Brazil, Nº 16, April 1997.

El despojo de los metales, Acción Masónica, Hialeah - FL, USA, Nº 105, April-May 1997.

Simbolismo de los colores en el R\E\A\A\, Trabajos de la Logia de Estudios e Investigaciones “Duque de Wharton” Nº 18, Barcelona, Spain, 1997.

Los comienzos del Arco Real, Trabajos de la Logia de Estudios e Investigaciones “Duque de Wharton” Nº 18, Barcelona, Spain, 1997.

Sobre los Rituales Masónicos, Boletín de la RLS “La Fraternidad”, Tel Aviv, Israel, Nº 9, June 1997.

Was Rabin a Mason? - The Making of a Myth, The Philalethes, Vol. L, No. 3, June 1997.

Freedom without violence in the 21st Century, Israel Scottish Rite Yearbook, July 1997.

Message from the Sovereign Grand Commander, Israel Scottish Rite Yearbook, July 1997.

Our spiritual dimension, Harashim (Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council), Issue 4, October 1997.

The opening ritual, Harashim (Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council), Issue 4, October 1997.

The Acacia, The Masonic Compass, England, Nº 18, November 1997.

Freemasonry in Israel, Quarry Chips, Recharam Chapter Nº 117, RAM, Australia.

Simbolismo y Comunicación, Acción Masónica, Hialeah-FL, USA, Nº 110, June-July 1998 and Nº 111, October-November 1998.

The Scottish Rite Tradition and its present relevance, ISR, November 1998.

El Misticismo en la Masonería, RMCH, Nº 7-8/1998, November-December 1998.

La Masonería Disecada - obra de Samuel Prichard, CITERIOR, (Publication of the Supreme Council 33° of Chile), Vol. XLIX, December 1998, Nº 2.

Los Comienzos del Arco Real, La Dovela, Mexico, Nº 1.

Caridade Maçonica (Portuguese), Novo Tempo, Recife, Brasil, No. 58, Oct-Dec 1998.

Projection of the Values of Freemasonry in its Actions for the Benefit of Society, The Philalethes, Vol. LI, No. 6, December 1998.            

O Simbolismo das Cores (Portuguese), Engenho e Arte, Rio de Janeiro, Nº 3, Summer 1999.

Arco Real y el Rito York, La Dovela, Mexico, Nº 2

Mazo y Cincel, Boletín La Fraternidad, Year 6, Nº 11 - March 1999.

Los Guantes, RMCH, Nº1-2 March-April 1999.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Anti-Masonry and Anti-Semitism), Scottish Rite Journal, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, June 1999.

Freemasonry in Israel - History and Role, The Philalethes, Vol. LII, Number 2, April, 1999.                                                                           

Freemasonry in Israel, Freemasonry Today, Summer 1999, Number 9.

Los Protocolos de los Sabios de Sión, in Seminario Internacional sobre Antimasonería, 7-9 October 1997, University La República, Santiago, Chile, published June 1999.

Hasulam Hamisti Bedargah 30 (Hebrew: The mystic ladder in the 30th Degree), ISR, June 1999.

Mekomah shel Lishkat Hashlemut bemivne shel Hanusah Hascotty vetafkidah (Hebrew: The place and function of the Lodge of Perfection in the structure of the Scottish Rite), ISR, June 1999.

Esoterismo y Masonería, Supremo Consejo (Mexico), N° 46, July-September 1999.

Education - the Key to Growth, IF, 1/99.

La Cité du Soleil (French), IF, 1/99.

The Importance of the Scottish Rite Degrees, Scottish Rite Journal, S.J.-USA, October 1999.                                                               

Freemasonry’s Contribution to South American Independence - A Factual Approach, AQC, Vol. 111, 1998, pub. October 1999.   

Masonería e Misticismo (Portuguese), Minerva Maçónica, GO do Brasil, May-July 1999, p. 6  

El Arco Real, Acción Masónica, Hialeah, Florida, N° 115, Dec, 1999/Jan. 2000.           

Por los números que os son conocidos, Revista de la Gran Logia Femenina de Chile, N° 2, 1999.               

Introducción al Arco Real y el Rito de York, El Heraldo Masónico, USA, Nov-Dec. 1999

Un enfoque esotérico del Grado XVIII, Adonai (Brazil), Year 1, N° 2, November-December 1999.                                                                                   

Projection of the values of Freemasonry, ISR, N° 28, January 2000.   

The Opening Ritual in the Scottish Rite (in Hebrew), ISR, N° 28, January 2000.   

Las Canteras del Rey Salomón y el Grado de la Marca, El Heraldo Masónico, USA, Year 2, N 17, January-February 2000,

The Concept of the Great Architect, IF, Vol. LXVII, N° 1/2000.

Apertura de los Trabajos, IF, Vol. LXVII, N° 1/2000.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Hebrew), IF, Vol. LXVII, N° 1/2000. 

Freemasonry in Israel - History and Role, Trowel, (G.L. of Masachusetts), Fall 1999.

Los Pergaminos del Mar Muerto, Compañero (G.L. York of Santo Domingo, Year II, N°3, September 1999.

Looking back - Moving forward, The Philalethes, April 2000.

Logias Masónicas de habla española en Israel, Ecos de Jerusalén, June 2000, N° 26.

Los Pergaminos del Mar Muerto, Adonai, Brazil, N° 5, May-June 2000.               

El Solsticio, Acacia (G.L. of Chiapas, Mexico), #35, January-March 2000.

Solsticio de invierno, Revista Gran Logia Femenina de Chile, N° 3, 1st Semester 2000.

Una gran mujer de Masón: doña Margarita Maza de Juárez, Revista Gran Logia Femenina de Chile, N°4, 2nd Semester 2000.                                                        

The Labyrinth, The Philalethes, Vol. LIII, N° 6, December 2000.

Why do we need symbolism?, Israel Scottish Rite, N° 29, January 2001.

La palabra “Kadosh”, Boletín La Fraternidad, Year 8, N° 13, January 2001.    

A task for Scottish Rite Masons, Yearbook 2001-2002, Supreme Council AASR of Israel, January 2001.                                                                                                 

Looking Back - Moving Forward, Harashim, Australia, Issue 17, January 2001.  

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Anti-Masonry and Anti-Semitism, Supplement to the July 2001 issue of The Lodge Handout, Alexandria, VA, U.S.A. 

La Espada Flamígera, Acción Masónica, Hialeah, FL, USA, Vol. 23, N° 121, June-August 2001.

Los Rollos del Mar Muerto, in Libro de Trabajos 2000-2001, Logia de Estudios e Investigación Duque de Wharton, Tarragona, Spain, August 2001.               

The Place of Gloves in Freemasonry, The Philalethes, Vol. LIV, N° 4, August 2001.

The first Masonic lodge in the Holy Land, AQC, Vol. 113, 2000 (Published October 2001), p. 185. 

Jerusalem, Cuna Legendaria de la Francmasonería, Acción Masónica, Hialeah, FL, USA, Vol. 23, N° 122, October-November 2001.           

La Palabra V.I.T.R.I.O.L., Acción Masónica, Hialeah, FL, USA, Vol. 24, N° 123, January-March 2002.                           

The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Masonic Globe, Vol. 1, Number 3.        

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (in English and Romanian), Masonic Forum, Bucharest (Romania), N° 10-11 (8-9), Jan-Feb 2002.               

La palabra "Kadosh", Citerior, Santiago (Chile), Vol. 52 – N°1, April 2002.

La Masonería: Una brújula para la Vida, Acción Masónica, Hialeah, FL, USA, Vol. 24, N° 124, April-June 2002.                                                                           

The Concept of the Great Architect, Info (Newsletter from the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium), N° 21, May 2002.

Prólogo a un año masónico, Acción Masónica, Hialeah, FL, USA, Vol. 24, N° 125, July-August 2002.                           

Por los números que os son conocidos, Acción Masónica, Hialeah, FL, USA, Vol. 24, N° 126, September-October 2002.                                                               

Ill. Isaac Grassiani, first S.G.C. of the S.C. of Israel, (in English and Romanian), Masonic Forum, Bucharest (Romania), N° 12-13 (3-4), March-Sept. 2002.   

Marcus Aurelius and Vedanta, The Philalethes, Vol. LV, N°5, October 2002.

Some Thoughts about Freedom and Freemasonry, The Philalethes, Vol. LV, N°5, October 2002.                                                                                                   

A palavra "Kadosh" (Portuguese), Liberdade e Uniao, Goiania (Brazil), November/December 2002.

Color Symbolism in Freemasonry, Info (Newsletter of the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium), N°23, January 2003.   

El Rol de la Masonería en el Siglo XXI, Acción Masónica, Hialeah, FL, USA, Vol. 24, N° 128, February-March; N° 129, April-May; N° 130, June-July; 2003, N° 131, August-October 2003..

Maço e cinzel (Portuguese), Liberdade e Uniao, Goiania, Brazil, N° 164, March-April 2003.               

La Masonería, una brújula para la vida, RMCH, N°1-2, March-April 2003.       

L'enseignement Symbolique, ISR, 31, April 2003.

Isaac Grassiani y la Creación del Supremo Consejo, ISR, 31, April 2003.

Alexander Howard – Freemason (Hebrew), IF, July 2003.

La Masonería una Brújula para la Vida, El Heraldo Masónico (Internet journal), N° 32, September 2003.



1.4       Papers in International Conferences:


1.            Spanish-speaking lodges in Israel” – 5th International Symposium on the History of Spanish Masonry, Cáceres, Spain, June 1991.

2.            Education as the Key to Tolerance” - 39a European Conference of Sovereign Grand Commanders, Berlin, May 1994.

3.            Freemasonry in the 21st Century” - First World Reunion of Grand Masters, Mexico City, March 1995.

4.            Masonic Blue” – 7th International Congress of Masonic History and Geography, Goiania, Brazil, June 1995.

5.            Projection of the Values of Freemasonry in its Actions for the Benefit of Society”, Inaugural lecture at the foundation of the Chair of Philosophical and Masonic Studies “Dr. René García Valenzuela, University La República, Santiago, Chile, September 1996.

6.         The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” - International Seminary on Anti-Freemasonry, Santiago, Chile, October 1997.

7.         The Scottish Rite Tradition and its Present Actuality” - 42a European Conference of Sovereign Grand Commanders, Paris, May 1998.

8.         "The Dead Sea Scrolls", International Masonic Symposium, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, June 1999,

9.            Presence and Evolution of Freemasonry in the 21st Century”, International Seminar “Masonry: Myth and Reality”, University La República, Santiago, Chile, October 1999.

10.            Antisemitism and Freemasonry”, International Conference on The Historiography and Methodology in the Study of Freemasonry, Canonbury Masonic Research Centre, London, November 1999.

11.            Freemasonry and Society in the Middle East”, Summer Colloquium, Grand Lodge of Chile, Santiago, January 2000.

12.            Looking back - Moving forward”, Philalethes Annual Conference, Washington, February 2000.

13.        Facing the Future of Freemasonry”, Academy of Masonic Knowledge, Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, October, 2000.

14.        Anti-Masonry and Anti-Semitism”, 9th International Symposium on the History of Spanish Masonry, Segovia, Spain, October 2000.

15.            Iconography of the Tracing Boards”, The Visual Arts and Freemasonry, Third International Conference, Canonbury Masonic Research Centre, November 2001.

16.            Freemasonry in the Middle East”, Grand Lodge Valle de México, Mexico City, February 2002.

17.        "Joel R. Poinsett: Mason, Diplomat, Revolutionary", Henry Wilson Coil Lecture, California Masonic Symposium, University of California, Los Angeles, August 2003.

18.        "Joel Poinsett en Chile", 10th International Symposium on the History of Spanish Masonry, Carlos III University, Leganés, Spain, September 2003.

2.            FICTION


2.1        Books:


El Mar Muerto y Otros Cuentos, Parteluz, Madrid, 1999.

Land of Four Seas, BiblioBooks, Acre, Israel, 2003


2.2        Short stories:


Portrait of things to come, Witchcraft and Sorcery, January 1971.

The Whore of Babylon, in The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction, Brian Aldiss & Sam L. Lundwall, Editors, Penguin Books, 1986.

La Prostituta di Babilonia (Italian), in Antologia Internazionale di Fantascienza (Anthology), Nord, Milano, Italy, 1987.

Van Aaken, Revista de Oriente y Occidente, Vol. 7 Nº 2, Jerusalem, October, 1991.

El árbol del conocimiento, Revista de Oriente y Occidente, Vol. 7 Nº 4, Jerusalem, July 1992.

The sleep of reason (Hebrew), in Misham Lekan (Anthology), Tel Aviv 1994.

Las hijas de Lot, in Desde Israel - Diálogo Inconcluso, AIELC, Tel Aviv, 1996.

El castigo del guacho, Revista de Oriente y Occidente, Vol. 10 Nº 2, Jerusalem, November, 1996.

Los sonetos de Potranca, Revista de Oriente y Occidente, Vol. 12 Nº 3, Jerusalem, December, 1999.                                                               

Mirando el mapa, Revista de Oriente y Occidente, Vol. 13, N° 2, Jerusalem, October 2000.

Espejismos, Revista de Oriente y Occidente, Vol. 13, N° 4, Jerusalem, June 2001.

Privatización, Revista de Oriente y Occidente, Vol. 14 N° 1, Jerusalem, September 2001.   

Fuegos Artificiales, Revista de Oriente y Occidente, Vol. 15 N° 1, Jerusalem, December 2002.





3.1 Books


Introducción a la Química Textil, Universidad Técnica del Estado, Santiago, Chile, 1960.

Historia de las Artes Textiles, Universidad Técnica del Estado, Santiago, Chile, 1961.

Dictionary of Fashion, Sewing and Textile Industries (English-Spanish/ Spanish-English), Paraninfo, Madrid, Spain, 1988.

Sewing Essentials (translation into Hebrew), Kinneret, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 1989.


3.2 Articles


El humor del Presidente Truman, Nuevo Zig-Zag, Santiago, Chile, November 1949.

El ballet conquista a Nueva York, El Mercurio, Valparaíso, Chile, November 1949.

Death, the Magician (interview with Gian-Carlo Menotti), The Textile Engineer, Philadelphia, April 29, 1950.

Ramón Vinay en el Metropolitan, Nuevo Zig-Zag, Santiago, Chile, May 1950.

¡No se ahogue en papeles!, Industria Textil, Santiago, Chile, August 1958.

Algunos frecuentes errores de organización, Empresa, Santiago, Chile, January-March 1959.

Principios básicos del diseño textil, Chile Textil, Santiago, Chile, July 1960.

A Latin-American view on breaking the language barrier, Export Trade, New York, January 1961.

Marco Aurelio y el Vedanta, Revista Occidente, Santiago, Chile, Nº 128, May-June 1961.

Standardization in Chile, Materials Research and Standards, A.S.T.M. Journal, Philadelphia, Pa. USA, May 1962.

Jewish Buccaneers, The National Jewish Monthly, Washington, D.C., July-August 1962.

3000 años de historia escrita en vidrio, Hablemos, New York, March 29, 1964.

Los jardines persas de Haifa, Hablemos, New York, April 4, 1964.

La misión del poeta, Revista de Oriente y Occidente, Vol. 9 Nº 1, Jerusalem, August, 1994.

Idioma y pensamiento, Suplemento de información cultural, Instituto Cultural Israel-Ibero América, Jerusalem, May-September 1996.

Idioma y pensamiento, in Desde Israel - diálogo inconcluso (anthology), AIELC, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1996.

Simbolismo y comunicación, Carta de Jerusalén, Jerusalem, N° 67-68, 1996-1997.

Nuestro loco idioma, Occidente, Santiago, Chile, N° 369, January-March 1999. 


3.3 Poetry


3.3.1     Books


Poemas Tempranos y Tardíos, (Self-published), Tel Aviv, Israel, 1994.

            (Three poems set to music by Andreas Pflüger, September 2003)

Tan largo el olvido, México, 2002


3.3.2            Individual poems


Canto bancario, Foro, México, year VI N 5, August 1994.

Oda al papel, Liberdade e Uniao, Goiania, Goias, Brazil, Nº 124, November-December 1994.

A Puppy, Los Muestros, Nº 17, Brussels (Belgium), December 1994.

Curves, The Masonic Compass, England, Nº 7, February 1995.

Valdés, Carta de Jerusalén, Instituto Cultural Israel-Ibero América, Nº 66, 1995.

Descendiendo la montaña, Revista de Oriente y Occidente, Vol. 10 Nº 1, Jerusalem, May, 1996.

Cuando busques a Dios, Acacia, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, México, April-May-June 1996.

Canto a Jerusalén, Carta de Jerusalén, N° 67068, 1996-1997.

Llorando con Tláloc, Supremo Consejo, Mexico, year XXV, Vol. 1 Nº 36, January-March 1997.

On the road to Padanarum, The Masonic Compass, England, Nº 17, Fall 1997.

Un Sueño, Iod, Sao Paulo, Brasil, Jan-Feb. 1999, Nº 44                      

Cuando Busques a Dios, Compañero (G.L. York of Santo Domingo), Year II, N°3, September 1999.