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These outstanding documents belonging to United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C. testify the nazi persecution of Freemasonry at home and in the occupied countries. |
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - USHMM
Note: We publish them with no comment. |
Records of the RSHA - Reichssicherheitshauptamt [Office of the High
Command of Security Service pursuing the racial objectives of the SS
through Race and Resettlement Office] (78 reels) (mss.) (manuscript
- HA Sipo Berlin, Gestapo
28 Overview of present situation of the order (Free) Masonery. SD (Sicherheitsdienst-Secret Service)) -Hauptamt II 111: Übersicht
den augenblicklichen Stand der Freimaurei. 20 December 1935. 1935. 22 pages.
- 29 Report II/III (free) Masonery yearly statement. SD-Hauptamt II 111: Jahres-Lagebericht, 1938
(Freimauerei). 1938. 30 pages.
- 34 Informational report concerning problems of the (Free) Masons. RSHA VII:
Informationsberichte zur Freimaurerfrage. 1944.
- 35 Correspondence and notes concerning problems of the (Free) Masons. SD-Hauptamt II 122,
Polen und Balt.: extracts of reports of Amt III; correspondence from II 122 regarding emigrants in
Poland. 1939. 26 pages.
- 36 Organizational structure of the (Free) Masons. RSHA I: Geschäftsverteilungsplan RSHA, circa
December1939. 66 pages.
- 40 List of cases of department II-2111 and II/B1. RSHA: organization of II 2;
Sachkarteiverzeichnis der Hauptabteilung J/I, Freimauertum (Freemasons). no dates. 54 pages.
- 51 Materials concerning the Vienna SD station commando's activities and plundering of cultural
objects from European territories incorportated into Germany. Sonderkommando SD, Eisenstadt:
reports on seized materials of lodges, Jews and Jewish organizations. 1938. 65 pages.
- 198 Reports and correspondence of the Department under SS colonel Knochen concerning all
countries where Germans resided including emigration in annexed countries. File of SS-Sturmbannf.
Knochen: Bericht regarding Auslandsarbeit der neuen Abteilung unter Leitung von SS-Stubf.
Knochen, Amt V RSHA, assuming work of former SD-HA II 122 regarding German emigrants; II
- 122 Berichte; regarding his Freemasonary work in II 111; regarding his role in SS training school;
report on meeting with Bormann on handling of sensitive issues such as church question; centralizing
the Jewish library. 1938 - 1939. 102 pages.
- 298 Plans and protocols of scientific conference with Prof. Franz. RSHA VII C: notes of staff
conference with Prof. Franz regarding the Jewish Question, Freemasonry, political churches,
Marxism, emigrants, April 1942 - January 1943; membership lists of the
Rosenkreuzer-Gemeinschaft (Rosicrucians) in Berlin-Neuköln; 1943 inductions of Prof. Drs. August
Faust and Ernst Birke into the Amt VII scientific circle. 1942 - 1943. 48 pages.
- 299 Various papers by Günther Stein SS Colonel. Various papers of SS-Hauptsturmf. Günther
Stein, 1942-1943: minutes of the Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Dokumentation, 21-24 September
1942 in Salzburg; short studies, e.g., "Quellen und Darstellungen zur Freimaurerfrage." 1942 -1943.
48 pages.
- 300 Materials belonging to SIX and historical to Norway /VII/ rep. concerning the Norwegian Free
Masons. Correspondence file of Franz Six regarding Norway: e.g., "Bericht über die Freimaurerei in
Norwegen, 22 September 1942." 24 pages.
- 322 Franz Stockhammer from "Reports from Switzerland." Franz Stockhammer, reports from
Switzerland regarding Freemasonry to German ministries. 368 pages.
- 398 Situational reports for the region (VII): SDHA II 1: Lagebericht d. Abtl. II 11 (religion,
Freemasonry, and Jews) and II 12 (Gegnerformen), 1 April - 15 April 1937, SD Oberabschnitte
Rhein, Nord, Elbe, Ost, Sued, Sued-West, Nord-Ost, Nord and Ost; special reports of SD
Abschnitte, November - December 1939 - May 1940
- 512 Paper by the SS Col. Harms about the idea that the organizations and activities of the Masonry
or organization like the masons. SDHA II 1114: report of SS Hauptstrumf. Harms, Winkellogen und
freimaureraehnliche Organisatione. no date. 45 pages.
- 512 Paper by the SS Col. Harms about the idea that the organizations and activities of the Masonry
or organization like the masons. SDHA II 1114: report of SS Hauptstrumf. Harms, Winkellogen und
freimaureraehnliche Organisatione. no date. 45 pages.
- 513 Paper concerning the connecting of word Jewry with the worlds free masons and co-operation
and influence on the world economy and politics. File of reports and notes by Dr. Helmut Knochen,
"Warum Kampf der Freimaurerei?"; Jewish, liberal, Communist, and international ties of
Freemasonry. no date. 278 pages.
- 514 On the organization of Free masonry in CSR (Czechoslovakia). no date. 34 pages.
- 515 On Free mansonry in CSR. no date. 33 pages.
- 516 See file no. 515; member lists of Czech lodges (assembled 1938-1989). no date. 105 pages.
- 517 List of Polish masonry lodges. 1925 - 1935. no date. 27 pages.
- 518 Handwritten notes on Free Mansonry. 1933(?). 7 pages.
- 519 List of directors and supervisors of masonic lodges who were also masons. Direktoren und
Aufsichtsraete usw. weiche als Mitglieder von Freimaurerlogen, des Rotary-Klubs, des Deutschen
Herrenklubs und der Schlaraffia festgestellt wurden. no date. 6 pages.
- 520 Free Masonry materials concerning Frey and Maynette (Material Koenigsberg); seized
correspondence, etc. (see file no. 534). 1925 - 1934. 156 pages.
- 521 Correspondence concerning freemasonery and theosophic (SDHA II 111); individual persons,
miscellanous materials. 1920 - 1936. 102 pages.
- 522 Reichl's paper "Freemasonry and Catholicism" (in opposition). 1925. 1926. 1928. 96 pages.
- 523 Exchange of letters between the ecclesiastical court councilman Dr. Specht and Muller
concerning Free masonry. (Discussion about the question of the Masonry being a national or
international organization. Is there an international lodge and what influence does it have as such as
the world politics. 1927 - 1934. 50 pages.
- 524 Correspondence concerning Kurt Reichl (see file no. 522). 1927-1931. 1933-1936. 51 pages.
- 525 Correspondence of the French masony with that of Honduras. Name list of members of
"Johannes Lodge". "Anker", Lettland 1921, photographs of the interior of a masonry club.
Correspondence and materials exchanged between a French lodge and those in Honduras and
various European states. (in French) 1928 -1937. 29 pages.
- 526 Seized materials of French lodges. 1928 - 1937. 355 pages. (continues on reel 43)
- 526 (continued from reel 42) Masonry, France, probably from the Archives of Oskar Wirth;
correspondence, press clippings, anti-masonic materials, etc.) (in French). Subfiles on Alfred
Jacoby, and Grande Loge de Fraternite Universelle. 1929 - 1937. 355 pages.
- 527 Foreign correspondence of a German mason, Dr. Cornelious Shouten, who lived in Germany
until September1934 and then in Holland; with western European lodges and brothers. Correspondence delivered
to police authorities by his divorced wife after his departure from Germany (SDHA II 111). 1931 -1936. 108 pages.
- 528 Papers concerning Czech masonry; seized papers mostly in German and French: Grand Orient
of Czechoslovakia; Landesloge fuer die Tschechoslowakei. 1931 - 1936. 26 pages.
- 529 Monograph on Russian masonry lodges abroad by N. Snitkow, "Die Freimaurerei in der
russischen Auswanderung (zum 1 January 1932); Verfasst auf Grund der freimaurerischen
Dokumente (spanning the period of 1920-1927 completed in 1932). 1932. 23 pages.
- 530 Press notices concerning Polish masonry lodges. 1933-1942. 40 pages.
- 531 Bulletin, publications of the Rosicrucian Order, USA (multilingual) (American masonry). 1934 -
1941. 131 pages.
- 532 List of masonic activities, their characteristics and short reports on masonry and on individuals
(VII); reports to and from Heydrich; Direktoren und Aufsichtsraete usw., welche als Mitglieder von
Freimaurereilogen, des Rotary-Klubs, des Deutschen Herrebklubs und der Schlaraffia festgestellt
wurder, A. 1934. 33 pages.
- 533 SS-major Schwartz Bostunitsch's (SD expert on Freemasonry, Jewry, Bolschevism, and
Russian emigrants), including reports on Ludendorff, Hjalmar Schacht, Poincare, Karl Radek, and
other individuals; report on masonry problem in various countries. 1934 - 1935. 193 pages.
- 534 Explanation to the Margrett case. Case of a former consul Otto Lampe and the deceased
Grandmaster Ludwig Dangle who under the cover of masonry maintained suspicious contacts with
Belgiums and Frenchmen (see file no. 520). 1934. 11 pages.
- 535 Clippings from a Russian emigrants press about the alleged masonic connections of Casanova;
file on Casanova as a Mason, copy of an article by a Russian Jewish emigre. 1934. 6 pages.
- 536 Letter for Walter Hopp from South America to the Grandmaster of the lodge in which he writes
that the persecution of masons and Jews in Germany is viewed unfavorably in America. 1934. 6
- 537 Information, Schwartz-Bostunitsch report on Friedrich III and Freemasonry. 1934. 7 pages.
- 538 Investigation file on Max Gellert from Königsberg, member of a masonic lodge; Gestapo and
SD materials.1934. 20 pages.
- 539 Papers concerning free masonry activities of Johan Wolfgang Goethe. 1934 - 1937. 13 pages.
- 540 Files labled Druiden Orden, seized monthly reports on membership of various Masonic lodges.
1934 - 1935. 271 pages. (continues on reel 44)
- 540 List of masonic lodges members and address books on membership.
Monthly report. 1933 - 1935. 271 pages.
- 541 Investigations in the case of Prof. Dr. Max Prütz, manager of a water control authority,
suspected of being a mason (SDHA II 111). 1934. 35 pages.
- 542 Case file of Johan Wilhelm Kellner, free mason. 1934. 10 pages.
- 543 Newspaper clippings about the Pan-European movement (Masonry); file on
Coudenhove-Calergie. 1934. 6 pages.
- 544 Report about the activity of masons in Germany; SD report, "Die gegenwaertige Lage und
Taetigkeit der Freiamurerei in Deutschland," 22 August 1935, with attached copies of documents.
48 pages.
- 545 Investigation of physicians, members of Catholic Centrum, Masons and those who have
connections to Marxism (VII); 6 February 1935 SD report on persons involved in Catholic Action,
and Catholic unions, former Zentrum members, lodge members and their connections with Marxism.
6 pages.
- 546 Information about links of international masons with the Soviet Union, photocopies, signed
1935. 10 pages.
- 547 Press clippings about Frederic the Great and Free masonry. 1935. 15 pages.
- 548 Protocol of investigation of the mason Paul Theodor Otto, Berlin-Wilmersdorf. 1935. 9
- 550 Paper on masonic lodges; SDHA II 111: file of reports and correspondence on Masonry,
1934-1936, 1938,1944, includes Gestapo reports. 92 pages.
1937, includes Mitteilungen des Amtes WS, Nr.4, April 1937; ideological training of youth;
membership lists of Rosenkreuzer-Gemeinschaft Berlin-Neukoelln, no dates; list of files in VII
B5, no date; Aktenplan VII B5; miscellanous personnel records of Amt VII, 1944; library
records and book orders, 1944. Summary on the themes "Influence of masonry on the life of a
state". 1937 - 1944. 124 pages.
- 553 Masons, "The Union of German Gouoten, German gentlemen's Race Order," East
Prussia - remnants; SDHA II 111: reports on Masonic Bund Deutscher Gusten and Deutscher
Herrenorden. 1937. 18 pages.
- 554 SD inventories of the holdings of the libraries of various Masonic lodges. 1935-1936. 664
pages. (continues on reel 45)
- 554 SD inventories of the holdings of the libraries of various Masonic lodges. 1935 - 1936.
664 pages. (continued from reel 44) Diagram of the card files on Freimaurertum;
bibliography of masonic lodges, libraries, and archives. 1935. 664 pages.
- 555 Excerpts from the lecture of Kurt Reichl concerning Masonry in various countries; SDHA
II 111: typed and hand written reports of Dr. Kurt Reichl (former 33 degree Mason), 1 April
- 556 Papers concerning the Mason's conference in Aachen (Austria). Letters of Gruber and
Dr. Reichl concerning various countries (conference probably took place in June 1928).
Report of SD Sonderkommando II 1 Wien, regarding Aachener Konferenz, 1928, and contact
between Kurt Riechl and Father Hermann Graber, SJ, 2 April 1938; handwritten and typed
texts on miscellanous topics regarding Freemasonry, Jewry, Catholicism, etc. 1937 - 1938.
233 pages.
- 557 Report: situations in various SD districts concerning masons and guide lines for section
11-111 (RSHA). Directives for work against Freemasonry, October - November 1938. 1938.
45 pages.
- 558 Report on masonry for the time of January 1935, March - December 1938. Gestapo and
SD reports on Masonic lodges, 1935; Lageberichte of II 111, March, April, May, August,
October, and November 1938; and SD Oberabschnitt Nordwest, no dates. 57 pages.
- 559 Correspondence Dr. Reichl to SS Col. Knochen. File of correspondence from Kurt Riechl;
his reports on topics regarding Freemasonry, Jewry, and Catholicism. 1938. 199 pages.
- 560 Reports from various masonic lodges. Gestapo, SD V-man, and SD Abschnitt reports:
"Salvator," a "secret Freemason organization of marxist inclined Catholics and Russian
emigrees;" Josef Hessen (Kadet Party), Vlaerian Tatarinow, numerous allegedly
anti-Bolshevik emigrees in contact with the OGPU, Bishop O'Rourk, Danzig, Goetz von
Oettingen: Verbindungsstelle Leipzig reports on "related" occultist literature, especially,
Arisches Weistum, by Ernst Issberner-Haldane; advertisements for literature;
Siemens-Studien-Gesellschaft fuer Psychologisch Wissenschaft, publications; reports on
numerous Masonic or allegedly Masonic organizations. 1938. 193 pages.
- 563 Photocopies concerning Masonry in CSR (Czechoslovakia); reports to the Gestapo,
forwarded by Oberkommando der Wehrmacht and Auswaertiges Amt. 1938. 12 pages.
- 564 Situational reports on masonry; SD Oberabschnitt Lageberichte on Freemasonry, 1939;
copy of "Der europaeische Aufstand gegen die Freimaurerei," 1943. 90 pages.
- 565 Bibliography concerning freemasonry in cases persued by Dittel; RSHA VII, Archive:
catalog of books der Johannes-Loge "Bruderkette an der Saar," Saarbruecken (Polish index
indicates relates to "cases pursued by Dittel"). 1940. 130 pages.
- 567 Remnants of paper written on masonic lodges (for archival materials); SDHA II 111:
miscellanous material and reports on international Freemasonry, especially Jewish influence
therein. 1940. 48 pages.
- 568 Correspondence concerning Yugoslavian masonry; reports on and seized publications of
Freemasons in Yugoslavia. 1941. 15 pages.
- 584 Correspondence Masonic lodges in Germany; list of members; seized materials, police
and SD reports, 1931-
- 585 Charter of the masonic organization "Union of the Knights of the Holy Grail"
("Heiligen Quell Deutscher Kraft") a Gralsritterschaft.
- 586 Correspondence Masonic order "Union of German Knights" (Deutscher Ritterbund).
1935. 105 pages.
- 587 Commentaries of Dr. Kurt Reichl on Freemasonry in various nations with newspaper
clippings and published literature. 1936 - 1937. 429 pages. (continues on reel 48)
- 587 (continued from reel 47) Excerpts from Reichl lecture on freemasonry. 1936 - 1937. 429
- 588 Papers on the fight with masonry as a political enemy. RSHA VII B5: Freimaurerei,
miscellanous SD reports and one publication. 1941 - 1943. 52 pages.
- 589 Buro VII report on freemasonry. RSHA VII B1: file on securing material to indentify
individual Freemasons, Jews specifically identified among members (includes new
Geschaeftsverteilungsplan for RSHA VII B, 8 November 1943; and other administrative
directives for securing archives, etc.). 1943 - 1944. 88 pages.
- 660 Miscellaneous collection of typed and published material of the British Council, The Royal
Institute of International Affairs, 1940; handscript correspondence and archiveal records of Masonic
lodges, 1805-1900s; publications and correspondence of the Gesellschaft zur Befoerderung des
Christenthums unter den Juden,
19th - 20th centuries. 612 pages.
- 660 (continued from reel 54) Archival documents of Masonic Lodges from the turn of the century in
French and German. 18th and 19th century. 612 pages.
- 661 Documents of Masonic Lodges. 18th and 19th century. 390 pages.
- 662 Documents of Masonic Lodges. 19th century. 743 pages.
Documents of Masonic Lodges. 17th to 19th century. 743 pages.
- 663 Document from Masonic Archvies; handwritten document in German, Latin, and French. 17th
to 19th century. 486 pages.
- 664 Documents from Masonic Archives. 19th century. 1,087 pages.
Masonic archives - manuscripts in German and Latin. 17th to 19th
century. 1,087 pages.
- 665 Documents from Masonic Archives turn of the 18th and 19th century; membership lists. 667
- 666 Masonic documents, manuscripts. 1845 - 1860. 547 pages.
- 667 Masonic documents, manuscripts. 19th to 20th century. 188 pages.
- 668 Masonic documents, manuscripts (in German and Latin). 1832 - 1901. 116 pages.
- 670 Archival documents of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Prussia; Archive der Grossen Loge vom
Preussen, Acte regarding Prince Friedrich Wilhelm v. Preussen. 1854 - 1888. 256 pages.
- 671 Document for the "The Great National Mother Lodge;" Archive der Grossen
National-Mutterloge, Acte regarding Reichsaussenminister Stressemann. 1915 - 1935. 435 pages.
- 672 Papers concerning the popularization of masonry in England; handwritten manuscript of the
history of Freemasonry and its various international orders. 1811. 112 pages.
- 674 Records of the "Great National (Lodge) Mother Situation" (Grosse National Mutterloge zu den
Drey Weltkugeln) to Three World Spheres. 1889. 339 pages.
- 675 Records from the German Mason Archive (Grossen National Mutterloge und denen
Verwaltung). 1847 -
1855. 352 pages.
- 676 Records from the Great Prussian Masonic Lodge (Archive der Grossen Loge von Preussen,
gen. Royal York zur Freundschaft, Acte regarding Prince Friedrich Leopold von Preussen). 1889 -
1918. 417 pages.
- 677 Records and newspaper clippings concerning Masonic Lodges, regarding den Protektor
Kronprinz Friedrich Wilhelm. 19th to 20th century. 353 pages.
- 679 Argus International de la Presse, S.A., Geneva, newsclippings and news article excerpts
regarding Freemasonry. 1930s. 444 pages.
- 679 French language materials confiscated by RSHA; news clippings,
correspondence, publications of lodges from all over the world. no dates. 444 pages.
- 683 French language materials confiscated by RSHA; seized papers of Masonic lodges, France and
Belgium - correspondence and instructional material, 1920s-1930s; newsclippings. 422 pages.
- 684 French language materials confiscated by RSHA (continued from reel 64) ; miscellaneous file -
correspondence among Masonic lodges of various nations, 1930s-1940s;
- 686 French language materials confiscated by RSHA; French handwritten correspondence of a M.
Wirth, Paris, many illegible, and financial records, 1880s; most common theme seems to be
Freemasonry. no dates. 524 pages. (continues on reel 66)
- 686 (continued from reel 65) French language materials confiscated by RSHA; handwritten
correspondence of Oswald Wirth, Paris (1910s). 524 pages.
- 692 Papers from French records concerning masonic lodges; mostly religion and Fremasonry in
France, 1940
Reichssicherheitshauptampt (RSHA) - SD, Berlin (Osobyi fond #500) (Main
State Security Office of Germany - SD, Berlin) (mss.) (manuscript
- 431 Statistical materials about the emigration of Jews all over the world. 21 January 1936 - 12 July
1940. 201 pp.
Various Gestapo and other official reports on contemporary Jewish movement in Berlin, on
"Freemasons, Jews, Emigrants, Expatriates," with statistics from Jewish press, also on numbers of
Jews around the world.
- 623 Note of II-112 referat about confiscation of documents of the Independent Jewish Order
B'nai-B'rith. Letter of a member of the Jewish lodge B'nai-B'rith to the president with a biography of
Doctor Arthur Geiger. Diploma of lodge Montefer of B'nai B'rith. 4 November 1938 - 4 November
1939. 5 pp.
Analysis of the Grand Freemason Lodge VOBB (Berlin). Confiscated archive and records material
stored in the basement of the SD Main Office.
- 678 Correspondence with SD departments about the dissolution of Jewish libraries. April -
November 1938. 22 pp.
Series of SD messages about the contents of the libraries of the VOBB [major German Jewish
Masonic Lodge]. Gestapo decrees concerning the closing of all VOBB libraries.
- 765 Propaganda Abteilung information in France about the special edition of a book on Jews.
February 1941. 3 pp.
Report from Military Commander, France, Propaganda Section (February 1941) complaining about
book published by a French author who worked for a newspaper, was a Freemason, and had
published "vile defamations" of the Führer and the Reich.
- 768a List of members of the Yugoslavian of B'nai Br'ith. May 1941. 15 pp.
Extensive report about Yugoslav Freemason lodges, with membership lists.
- 790 Informational reports by the security police commander about the Freemason question. May
1943 - May 1944. 134 pp.
From Chief, Sipo, and SD. Informational Report about Freemasons question (May 1943). Includes
a report claiming that President Roosevelt not only holds high rank in the Freemasons but that he is
also a member of Odd Fellows, "which resembles a Freemason lodge." Various reports about
Freemasonry in France, England, United States, Hungary, and Switzerland. 1943 - 1944.
- 800 Informational reports of the SIPO and SD about the Freemasons and Jewish questions, and
various magazine articles concerning the Jewish question. February - November 1944.
- 272 List of materials of Masonic lodges, Austrian Fatherland Fund, and Jewish
organizations confiscated by Gestapo. 1939 - 1943. 4 pp.
- 327 Document and intelligence card file filing codes SDHA (date ranges not defined).
SD Hauptamt: draft by Organization Commission of a plan for subject matter files in Department
II-III-4, on Freemasonry Abroad; general list of activities and their breakdown. SD telephone list of
SHA, 1939 edition. Signatory abbreviations of SD HA personnel (Eichmann is Ech); also those of
assistants in other main departments (directive provides that these name abbreviations have to be
used in upper lefthand corner of typed copies or dictation copies).
- 164 Amt IV, Gestapo:(Amt IVB 4b file) Includes: "Neue Tendenzen im jüdischen Schrifttum" MS (reactions to
treatment of Jews in Germany and elsewhere). Walter Pötsch, "Die Grundlagen des jüdischen
Volkes. Eine notwendige Abrechnung" (22 pp anti-Nazi brochure printed in London. Notes on
"Besorgnisse der italienischen Juden über die Auswirkung der deutsch-italienischen
Freundschaft" (2 pp. 1939). Table of contents for report on situation of German and
international Jewry. Table of contents to report on Freemasonry. "Judentum und
Freimaurerei" (report. no date. 10 pp.). Report on treatment of Jews in various parts of
Germany. "Der Mord an Botschaftsrat vom Rath (typescript report) and reports on world
reactions to treatment of Jews in Germany in connection with Kristallnacht. 1938 - 1939. 70
- 166 Report on Red Army (in French). 6 pp. Report on Judeo-Masonic tactics in daily news
media (in French). 8 pp. Both reports issued by "Un ami du `Service Mondial'". no date. 16
- 251 Anti-Freemason and anti-Jewish exhibition in the Petit Palais, Paris. Reports and
correspondence. 1942. 6 pp.
Memorandum on anti-Freemason, anti-Jewish exhibit in occupied France (October 1942).
- 254 "Antifreimaurerische und Antijüdische Vorträge des Albert Maitrot de la Motte-Capron
im "Radio Paris". Various MS versions with handwritten corrections. 1943. 117 pp.
- 277 Sicherheitsdienst des RFSS. SD-Hauptamt. Geheime Kommandosache! Seven files
(Sachakten III 2-130/1, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 15) containing SD regulations regarding file
organization and maintenance (e.g., for Freemasons, Jews, political opponents, etc.). 1936 -
1937. 635 pp.
Read further papers and documents about nazifascist persecution of Freemasonry: