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THE MIGHT of the FATHER of HEAVEN, and the Wisdom of the Glorious SON, through the Grace
and Goodness of the HOLY GHOST, three Persons and One GOD; Be with us and Give us Grace so to Govern us here in our living, that we may come to his Bliss that never shall have Ending. AMEN.
GOOD BRETHREN and FELLOWS, Our Purpose is to tell you how and in what manner this Worthy Craft of MASONRY, was begun; And afterward, how it was kept and Encouraged by Worthy KINGS and Princes, and by many other Worthy Men.
AND ALSO to those that be here; We will Charge by the Charges that belongeth to Every
FREEMASON to keep; FOR in good Faith, If they take Good heed to it, its worth to be well
kept FOR MASONRY is a Worthy Craft, and a curious SCIENCE, and One of the LIBERAL sciences.
THE Names of the Seven liberal sciences are these:
I GRAMMAR, and that teacheth a Man to Speak and write truly.
II RHETORICK and that teacheth a Man to Speak fair, and in soft terms.
III LOGICK, and that teacheth a Man to discern truth from falsehood.
IV ARITHMETICK, which teacheth a Man to Reckon, and Count all manner of Numbers.
V GEOMETRY, and that teacheth a Man the Mete and Measure of the Earth, and of all
other things; which SCIENCE is Called MASONRY.
VI MUSICK, which Gives a Man Skill of Singing, teaching him the ART of Composition; &
playing upon Diverse Instruments, as the ORGAN and HARP methodically.
VII ASTRONOMY, which teacheth a Man to know the Course of Sun, Moon and Starrs.
NOTE I pray you, that these Seven are contain’d under Geometry, for it teacheth Mett and
Measure, Ponderation and Weight, for Every thing in and upon the whole Earth for you to know;
That every Crafts man, works by Measure. He buys or sells, is by weight or Measure.
Husbandmen, Navigators, Planters and all of them use GEOMETRY for neither GRAMMAR,
LOGICK nor any other of the said Sciences, can subsist without GEOMETRY; ergo, most Worthy and Honourable.
YOU ask me how this Science was Invented, My Answer is this: That before the Generall
Deluge, which is commonly Called NOAH’S Flood, there was a Man called LAMECH, as you
may read in IV Chapter of Genesis; who had two Wives, the One called ADA, the other ZILLA; By ADA, he begat two SONS, IABAL and IUBAL, by ZILLA, he had One SON
called TUBALL and a Daughter ca1led Naamah. These four Children found the beginning of
all Crafts in the World: IABAL found GEOMETRY and he Divided F1ocks of Sheep, He
first built a House of Stone and Timber.
HIS Brother IUBAL found the ART.
ART of MUSICK. He was the Father of all such as Handle the Harp and Organ.
TUBAL-CAIN was the lnstructer of Every Artificer in Brass and Iron, And. the Daughter
found out the ART of Weaving.
THESE Children knew well that GOD would take Vengeance for SIN either by Fire or Water;
Wherefore they Wrote their SCIENCES that they had found in Two Pillars, that they might be
found after NOAH’S Flood.
ONE of the Pillars was Marble, for that will not Burn with any Fire, And the other Stone was
Laternes for that will not drown with any Water.
OUR Intent next is to Tell you Truely, how and in What manner these STONES were found
whereon these SCIENCES were Written.
THE Great HERMES (surnamed TRISMAG1STUS, or three times Great) Being both King, Priest and Philosopher, (in EGYPT) He found One of them, and Lived in the Year of the World
Two Thousand and Seventy Six, in the Reign of NINUS, and some think him to be Grandson to CUSH
CUSH, which was Grandson to NOAH, he was the first that began to Leave off Astrology To Admire the other Wonders of Nature; He proved, there was but One GOD, Creator of all Things, He Divided the Day into Twelve Hours. He is also thought to be the first to divide the ZODIACK into Twelve SIGNES, He was to OSYRIS, King of EGYPT; And is said to have
Invented Ordinary Anno Mundi Writing, and Hierogliphiks, the first Laws of the Egyptians; And Divers Sciences, and Taught them MDCCCX unto other Men.
AND at the Building of Babilon Masonry was much made of; And the king of Babilon, the Mighty NIMROD, was a Mason himselfe, as it’s reported by Antient
Histories, And when the City of NINEVE, and Other Cities of the East, were to be
Built, NIMROD the King of Babilon Sent thither Masons at the request of the King
of NINIVE his Cousin, And when he sent them forth, He gave them a CHARGE in
this Manner.
THAT they should be true to one another, and Love truely together; And. that they
should serve the Lord truely for their Pay, so, that their Master might have honour,
and all that belong unto him, And
Severall other Charges He gave them; And this was the First time that Ever any MASON had any Charge of his CRAFT.
MOREOVER when ABRAHAM and SARAH his Wife, went into EGYPT, and there taught the Anno Mundi. Seven Sciences to the EGYPTIANS; He had a Worthy
SCHOLLAR whose Name was *MIXILVIII EUCLIDE, and He learned right well, and became a Great Master of the Seven Sciences; And in His Days, It Befell, That the Lords and the Estates of the Realm, had so many Sons;
And they had no Competent Livelyhood.to find their Children.
WHEREFORE they took Council together with the King of the Land, How they might find their Children Honestly as Gentlemen, But could find. no Manner of Good
way, And. then Did they Proclaime through all the Land,that if there were any Man,
that could Inform them, that he should be well rewarded for his Travell, And that he
should hold him well pleased.
AFTER this CRY was made; then came the worthy CLARK EUCLYDE, and said to the King and the LORDS.
IF YEA will Give me Your Children to Govern, I will Teach them One of the Seven SCIENCES, whereby they may live Honestly, as Gentlemen should;
Under Condition, that Yea will Grant them, and That I may have Power to Rule them after the manner that science ought to be Ru1ed. And that the King and the
Councell Grant Anon and seal his Commission. And then this Worthy Clark EUCL1DE took to him these Lord’s Sons, and taught them the SCIENCE of
GEOMETRY, in Practick, for the Work in STONE, all manner worthy Work, that belongeth to Building of CHURCHES, TEMPLES, TOWERS,
CASTLES; And all other manner of Buildings; And He gave them a. Charge in this Manner.
FIRST that they should be true to the King and to the Lord, that they Serve; and
To the Fellowship whereof they are Admitted; And that they should Love and be true to one another; And that they should Call Each other his Fellow, or Else
BROTHER; and not his Servant Knave, nor no other soul Name; And that they should truely deserve their Pay of the Lord; Or the Master of the Work, that they
THAT they should Ordain the Wisest of them to be the MASTER of the Work; And neither for Love nor Lynage, Riches nor Favour, to Sett another, that
hath but little Cunning, to be Master of the Lord’s Work; whereby the Lord should be Evil Served, and they Ashamed; And Also, that they should Call the
Governour of the Work MASTER in the time that they work with him.
AND many other Charges He gave them, that are too long to tell, And to all these Charges He made them Swear a great Oath, that Men Used at that time.
AND He Ordain’d for them, a reasonable Pay, whereby they may live honestly; And Also that they should come and Assemb1e together every Year Once, to
consult how they might Work best to serve the LORD, for his profit, And to their
Own Credit, And. to Correct within themselves, him that had trespassed against the CRAFT.
AND thus was the Craft Grounded there, And that WORTHY C1ark EUCLEDE Gave it the Name of GEOMETRY; And now It’s call’d through
SITHENCE Long time after when the Children of ISRAEL were come into the Land of the MMCCCCLXXIV IEBUSITES which is now call’d IERUSALEM King DAVID began the
Temple, that is called (TEMPLUM DOMINI) with the TEMPLE of IERUSALEM, alias the TEMPLE of the LORD.
THE same king DAVlD Loved MASONS and Cherished them, and gave them Good Pay. And he gave them the Charges in manner as they were given in
EGYPT, by EUCLYDE; and other Charges more, as you shall Hear afterwards.
AFTER the decease of King DAVID SOLOMON sent to HIRAM, King of TYRE for one who was a Cunning
Workman (called. HIRAM ABIF) the Son of a woman of the Line of Naphtali
and of Urias the Israelite.
SOLOMON to HlRAM the King
KNOW thou that my Father having a will to Build a Temple to God, Hath been withdrawn from the Performance thereof by the Continual warrs and Troubles he
hath had; for he never took rest, before he Either defeated his Enemies, or made
them tributaries unto him FOR mine own part. I thank GOD for the peace which I possess; And for that,by the means thereof , I have opportunity (according to
mine Own desire) to Build a Temple unto GOD; for he it is that Foretold my Father, that his House should be builded during my Reigne, FOR which Cause, I
Pray you ,fend me some one of your Skilfullest men with my Servants to the wood Libanon, to hew down trees in that place; for the MACEDONIANS are
more skilfull in Hewing and preparing Timber, than our People are, And I will pay the Cleavers of wood according to your Direction.
THOU hast Cause to thank GOD; in thou he had delivered thy Father’s Kingdom into thy hands; TO thee I say, who art a Man, wife & fu1l of Vertue;
for which cause, since no news can come unto me more gracious, nor Office of Love more esteemed than this, I will accomplish all that thou requestest for after
I have caused a great quantity of Ceadar & Cyprus wood to be cut down, I will
send it thee by sea, by my servants; whom I will command (and furnish with Convenient Vessells of Burthen) to the end they may deliver the same in what
place of thy kingdome it shall best please thee; that afterwards, thy Subjects may
transport them to Jerusalem. YOU shall provide to furnish us with CORNE,whereof we stand in need ,because we Inhabit an Island.
SOLOMON King David’s SON to finish the TEMPLE that his Father had begun, sent for MASONS into divers Countries, and gathered them togather, so
that he had Fourscore thousand Workmen that were workers of STONE, and were all named MASONS, and he chose three
THOUSAND of them to be Masters & Governours of his work.
AND HIRAM King of Tyre sent his servants unto SOLOMON, for he
was ever a Lover of King. David, And he sent Solomon Timber and workmen to he1p forward the Building of the Temple, And he sent one that was
Named HIRAM ABIF a widows Son of the Line of Nephtali. He was a Master of Geometry, and was of all his Masons, Carvers,
Ingravers and workmen, and Casters of Brass and all other Metalls that were used about the
KING SOLOMON confirmed both the Charges and manners, that his Father had given to MASONS, thus was the worthy work of MASONRY Confirmed in
Jerusalem, and many other Kingdoms, And he finished the Temple Anno Mundi MMM.
CURIOUS Craftsmen walked about full wide in divers Countries; some to Learn more Craft and Cunning, others to teach them that had but little Cunning.
AND at the Destruction of the FIRST Temple
TEMPLE by NABUCHADNEZAR after it had flood CCCCXXX years
THE SECOND Temple began in the Reign of SYRUS LXX Years after the Destruction, it being hindred; It was XLVI Years in Building and was finished in
Darius his Reign. MMMDXXII IN the Reign of Ptolmie and Cleopatra, ONIAS built a Jewish Temple in the place
Called Bubastiss, and Called after his own Name.
THE Tower of Straton (alias Ceasaria built by HEROD in Palestine and many other Curious works of Marble, As the Temple of Ceasar Agrippa to his
Memory, in the Country called Zenodoras near to a place called Panion.
He also pu1led down the second Temple, that was finished in DARIUS his reign, and appointed one Thousand Carriages to draw stone to the place; And
chose out Ten Thousand Cunning and expert workmen, to hew, and mould Stone; And. One Thousand he chose out and Cloathed, and made them Masters and Rulers of the work; And
built a New Temple
New Temple on the Foundation, which SOLOMON had laid, not inferior to the first. And was finished Nine years before the birth of our SAVIOR.
AFTER the birth of our Saviour, Aururiagus being King of Britain, Qaudius the Emperor came over with an Army; and fearing to be overthrown made a League with him; and gave him his Daughter in marriage; and that he should hold his Kingdom of Romans, and for the Emperor then returned. IN the Year XLIII, after the birth of CHRIST, MASONS came into England, and built a Anno Christi XLIII good1y Monastry Near unto Glassenbury, with many CASTLE S and TOWERS.
THIS sumptious Art of GEOMETRY; it being prosest by Emperors, Kings, Popes, Cardinals
and Princes innumerable, who have all of them left us the Permanient Monuments of it in their
several Anno Christi CXVII places of their Dominions; Nor will this I presume be denyed, when well considered ,that Renowned Example the TRAJAN COLLUM; it being one of the most superb
Remainders of the Romans Magnificence, to be now seen Standing;
Standing And which has more
Immortallised the Emperor TRAJAN, than all the PENS of Hiftorians. it was Erected to him, by
the Senate and People of’ Rome; In memory of those Great services he had rendred the Country, and to the end, the memory of it might remain to all succeeding Ages; and continue so long as the very Empire
itselfe. Anno Christi CCC AND in Saint ALBANES time; the King of England that was a Pagan, Did wall
the Town that was called Verulum; And Saint ALBAN was a worthy Knight, and Steward of the
Kings Houshold; and had got the Government of the Realm, and also the Town walls, and Loved
Masons well and cherished them much, and he made their Pay Right good, standing as the Realm then did; for he gave them two Shillings per week, and three pence to their Chear; For before that time through all the Land, a MASON had but a Penny a day and his meat, untill Saint ALBAN mended it.
AND he got them a CHARTER of the King for to ho1d a Councell Yearly, and gave it the Name
of an Assembly; and was thereat himselfe, and helped to make MASON, and gave them charges
as yea. shall have afterwards.
IT happened presently after the Martyrdom of St Alban, who is truly termed England’s Proto
Martyr;that a Certain King Invaded the Land and destroyed most of the Natives by Fire and
sword That the SCIENCES of Masonry was much decayed, untill the Reign of ETHELBERT King of Kent, Gregory the First Surnamed Magnus, sent into
the Isle of Britaine a Monk with other Learned Men, to Preach the Christian Faith, for this Nation as yet, had not fully received it. this said Ethelbert, built a Church in Canterbury and Dedicated it to St Peter, and St Paul; and is supposed to have built, or restored the Church of St.Pauls in London: he also built the Church of St. Andrews in Rochester.
SIBERT King of the East Saxons by perswasions Of’ ATHELBERT King of Kent, having
received, the Christian faith; built the Monastry at Westminster, to the Honour of God, and St Peter.
SIGEBERT King of the East Angles began to Erect the University of Cambridge.
ATHELSTANE began his Reign he was a Man beloved of all Men, he had great devotion
towards the Churches, as appeared in the Building, adorning and. Endowing of Monasterys. He
built one at Wilton in the Diocess of Salisbury; another at Michelney in Somersetshire: besides
these; there were few famous Monasteries in this Realm, but that he adorned the fame, either with some new piece of Building, Iewells or Portions of Lands. he great1y Enriched the Church of York.
EDWIN Brother to King Athelstane Loved MASONS much more than his Brother did,
and was a great Practizer of GEOMETRY and drew himselfe to Commune and talk with
MASONS, to Learn the CRAFT, and afterward for the Love that he had to MASONS and to the CRAFT.He was made a Mason, and got of his Brother a CHARTER , and Commission, to hold an Assembly himselfe at York; where they would within the Realm once a Year; to correct within themselves, faults and trespasses, that were done within the CRAFT, and he held an Assembly himselfe at YORK, and there made MASONS and gave them Charges, and taught the manner; and Commanded that Rule to be kept for ever after; and gave them the CHARTER, and
AND COMMISSION to keep; and made an Ordinance that it should be renewed from King to King. AND when the Assembly was gathered together, he made a CRY, that all Old MASONS, and young, that had any writing or understanding of the Charges, and manners. that were made before in the Land, or in any other; they should bring and shew them AND it was proved there were found some in French, some in Greek, some in English, and some in other Languages; and they were all to one Intent and purpose; and he made a Book thereof, how the Craft was founded; and he himselfe commanded, that it should. be read or told, when any MASON should be made, and for to give him his Charges; And from that Day untill this time, manners of
MASONS have been kept in that form, as well as men might govern it.
FURTHERMORE at divers Assemblys certain Charges have been made and ordained, by the
best advice of Masters and FELLOWS.
EVERY Man that is a Mason, take right good. heed. to these Charges. And if any man find
himselfe Guilty in any of these Charges, he ought
TO Amend, and pray to GOD, for his grace; especially you that are to be Charged. Take good heed that yea may keep this Charge right well for it is a great perill for a Man to forswear himself upon a Book
THE FIRST CHARGE IS THIS, That yea be true Men to God, and the HOLY CHURCH.
SECOND, THAT yea Use no HERESY, wilful; or run into Innovations, but be yea wise Men,
and discreet in Every thing.
THIRD; That yea be not disloyall; nor Confederates in treasonable plotts; But if yea hear of any
treachery against the Government, yea ought to discover it if yea cannot otherwise prevent it.
FOURTH; That yea be true to one another, (that is to say) to Every MASON of the Craft of
MAS ONRY, that be MASONS allowed, yea shall do to them, as yea would they should doe
unto you.
FIFTH; that yea keep all the Councell of your Fellows truly, be it in Lodge or in Chamber,
all other Councells that ought to be kept, by the way of Brotherhood.
SIXTH; that no Mason shall be a thief, or Conceal any such unjust Action, so far forth as he may wit or know.
SEVENTH, that every Allowed Mason shall be true to the Lord or Master whom he ferves, and
shall serve him faithfully to his Advantage.
EIGHTH; that yea shall Call such Mason your Fellow or Brother, neither shall you use to him
any scurilous Language.
NINTH; that yea shall not desire any unlawfull Communication with your fe1lows Wife, nor
cast a wanton Eye upon his Daughter; with desire to defile her; nor his Maid servant or any wife
put him to diswdship.
TENTH; that you Pay truly and honestly for your Meat and Drink wherever you Board; that the
craft be not Slandered thereby. THESE be the Charges in General that
BELONGS to Every free Mason to be kept, both by
MASTERS and Fellows
REHEARSE I will other Charges in singuler FOR MASTERS and Fellows
FIRST, That no Masters or Fellows shall take upon him any Lord’s work nor any other Man’s
work unless he know himself Able and sufficient to perforrne the same, so that the Craft have no standard, nor disworship thereby, but the Lord may be well and truly served.
SECOND, that no Master take no work, but that he take it reasonably, fo that the Lord. may be
well served, and the Master get Sufficiently, to live handsomly and honestly, and to pay his
Fellows truely their pay, as the manner is.
THIRD, that no Master nor Fellow shall supplant any other of their work, (that is to say) if
another hath taken workein hand, or stand Master for any Lord’s work; he shall not deale under
hand, to mischiefe or undermine him, to put him out, Except he be unable of Cunning, to perform the work.
FOURTH, that no Master nor Fellow shall take any Apprentice but for the full term of seven Years; And that the Apprentice be Able of Birth (that is to say) free borne, and whole of Limbs, as a Man ought to be.
FIFTH, that no Master nor Fellow, take any Allowance or bribe of any Man, that is to be made a
Mason, without the Assent, Consent, and Councell of his Fellows; and that he, that is to be made a MASON, be able in all manner of degrees (that is to say) freeborne; Come of good kindred, true, and no Bondman, and that he have his Right Limbs, as a Man ought to have.
SIXTH ,That no Master nor Fellow take an Apprentice unless he hath suficient Occupation to
set him at work Nay to set three of his Fellows; or two at least at work.
SEVENTH, That no M aster or Fellow shall take no Mans work to Task, that Used, or was wont
to Iourney work.
EIGHTH, That Every Master shall give pay to his Fellow according as they deserve so that he
be not deceived by false workmen.
NINETH, That no Man slander another behind his back to make him loose his good Name, and
thereby also make him suffer in his way of Living.
TENTH, That no Fellow within the Lodge, or without; Misanswer, or give another reproachfull
Language, without some reasonable Cause.
ELEVENTH, That every Mason shall Reverence his Elder; and put him in workship.
TWELFTH, That no Mason shall be a Common player at Hazard, or at Dice, or at Cards nor
any other unlawfull Game whereby the Craft might be slandered.
THIRTEENTH, That no Mason shall be a Common Leecher, nor Pander, or Baud whereby the
Craft might be slandered.
FOURTEENTH, That no Fellow go into the City or Town in Night time, without he hath some
one or other with him to
BEAR Witness that he was in honest places.
FIFTEENTH, That Every Master and Fellow, shall come to the Assembly, if that be within
Fifty Miles about him, if he hath any warning, And if he hath Trespassed against the Craft, then
abide the Award of the Masters and Fellows, and make satisfaction accordingly, if they are able;
But if not Submit to their reasonable Award; Then they shall go to Common Law.
SIXTEENTH, That no Master or Fellow make any Mould or Square, or Rule to Mould Stones
withall; but such as are allowed by the Fraternity.
SEVENTEENTH, That Every Mason shall Receive and Cherish strange Fellows, when they
Come over the Country, and set them at work if they will as the manner is (that is to fay) if he
hath Mould Stones in his place, or else he shall refresh him with money to Carry him to the next
EIGHTEENTH, That every Mason shall truely serve the LORD for his pay; And every Master shall truely make an END
of his Work; be it Talk or Journey If he have his Demand, and
all he ought to have.
THESE Charges That we have now Rehearsed unto you and all other that
belong to MASONS YEA shall keep. SO Help you GOD, and the ITALLIDOM