It is with deep regret that we note the death of RWBro the Revd Brian Keith Burton, BA, PAGM (NSW), Australia, Past Grand Chaplain and Kellerman Lecturer, at Nowra, NSW, on Friday 29 August 2008.
Brother Burton was a Past Master of the Research Lodge of New South Wales 971, an Official Lecturer of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, and a corresponding member of Lodge of Research 218 VC. His Kellerman Lecture (NSW&ACT, 1994) was titled ’Freemasonry among Australian Prisoners of War’. He was an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church, and served as a chaplain in the RAAF (with the rank of Flight Lieutenant) in the Viet Nam War, and as a prison chaplain. He was the author of two books, a novel about the prison system and a local history of the Corowa district. He built his own home for retirement, made his own furniture, and even a small pipe organ; and he was a keen radio ham for many years.
Brian was one of the first to contribute to Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry already since its foundation in 1996.
He published on our Masonic Review eight of his research papers including "MASONRY AMONG AUSTRALIAN PRISONER OF WAR'S" awarded the Kellerman Lecture, 1994.
R.W.Bro. Bruno Gazzo
Editor, PS Review of FM
