Review of Freemasonry

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by Bruno Gazzo
Editor of PS Review of Freemasonry
This is the major masonic discovery of the 21th century.
The copy is autographed

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4-25degreeOn October 29, 2009, Bruno Gazzo, editor of PS Review of Freemasonry received three emails from a gentleman calling himself Naveed Ahmed from Lahore, Pakistan:


"I recently acquired a manuscript with few other freemason object looking for more information on the manuscript attaching a small video. The red seal bears the text alexander deuchar seal engraver to his Majesty with the number 107. I will be happy to answer any question and send pictures or more videos."


"its number 107 from alexander deuchars library. I am trying to get  a digital camera so will try to send you better pictures for now I only have my cell phone to take pictures and videos. So far i have only been able to find out that it was corrected or updated by whymper in 1888 and was in deuchars library besides that its origin remains a mystery to me."


"and I have a few leads from the net that this might be a manuscript by henry andrew francken."


The alleged Naveed Ahmed possibly had read the paper Estienne Morin et l'Ordre du Royal Secret published in French on Ps Review of Freemasonry and written by Ill. Bro. Alain Bernheim 33°. Bro. Bernheim writes: "Enfin un autre MS portant l’ex-libris d’Alexander Deuchar se trouverait aux Indes à Lahore. Son existence a été mentionnée par Lindsay mais aucun chercheur ne semble avoir eu l’occasion de l’étudier. "


Bro. Bernheim refers to the book, The Scottish Rite for Scotland (1958), where Ill. Bro. Lindsay mentions p. 73 a Francken manuscript " in the personal keeping of the District Grand Master of the Punjab under the United Grand Lodge of England and Wales on behalf of his District Grand Library at Lahore which has Deuchar's book-plate on the inside of its front cover".


Alexander Deuchar (1777 – August 12, 1844) was a seal engraver and Lyon Herald at the Court of the Lord Lyon (the authority for heraldry in Scotland and revived the Templar tradition in Scotland in the early 19th Century in order to establish a new form of chivalry.  Arthur Edward Waite in New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry 1921 writes "In 1811-1812, Alexander Deuchar, Eminent Commander of Edinburgh Encampment, No 31, under the Early Grand Constitution, established what is termed a schismatic body with the style and title of the Supreme Grand Conclave of Scotland. He is said to have assumed the Office of Grand Master for life, notwithstanding the displeasure of his associates. The Conclave appears to have been moribund in 1830. In 1836 it was remodelled, vacating its Masonic position and admitting non-Masons to membership, including the Bishop of Aberdeen and the Duke of Leeds."


first page statutes and regulations Henry Josiah Whymper (1845-1893) was an active Freemason in India and a member of Quatuor Coronati Lodge from January 6, 1888, Whymper is remembered today for his reproduction, in facsimile of the Regius MS. According to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, "He was a man of mark in and out of Masonry, a Companion of the Order of the British Empire, a Masonic Savant and a practical Mason." 


In the Transaction of Quatuor Coronati Lodge 2076 EC, Vol. 6 for the Year 1893, Bro. W.J.Hughan writes an eulogy about Whymper:


Bro. Whymper was only born in 1845, and was not initiated in the Lodge Mayo, No. 1413, Rawal Pindi, Punjab, until 1872, so that, comparatively speaking, ha was young in the Craft to many of us. Whatever he lacked in age, however, he made up in energy, determination, and persistence in high well-directed researches. Though for some  years his Craft studies were unknown to us in England, from 1887 we have been kept fully informed as to the character and extent of his labours on its behalf. He was one of the  founders of Lodge No. 1448, Murree, in 1873, and its W.M. in 1877, also a founder of the Stewart Lodge, No. 1960, Rawal Pindi and Murree, in 1881 ; likewise of the Prince Albert Victor, No. 2370, Lahore — a Past Master's Lodge — formed on similar lines to  Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, London, for which our friend laboured most assiduously, and was very pleased to take part in its successful start. On the 6th January, 1888, the literary "blue ribbon" of lodge membership was conferred on him by his election to the " Inner Circle " of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.


The high office of District Deputy Grand Master of the Punjab was bestowed upon him in 1884, and after a brief retirement he again held that office in 1892 and 1893 to his regretted decease on Thursday, 27th April, at Bombay.


the ladder His retirement was announced at the District Grand Lodge on October 28th, 1892, over which he presided as Deputy ; the sad news being received with deep sorrow and  regret throughout the whole of the District, particularly so when the keen disappointment to himself and his many friends was due to ill-health necessitating such a step. His successor, Col. C. F. Massey, who was installed in due course (patent dated November 2lst, 1892), referred most  appreciatively to Bro. Whymper, " who had for years devoted all his spare time and a good deal of his money to the formation of a Masonic library, ..... he is not merely a collector, he is also a deep reader, and an excellent writer".


Other appointments and honours bestowed were so numerous that they cannot well be described herein, save one or two of the more prominent ones, which be highly valued, such as District Grand H. of the Punjab (being P.Z. Stewart Chapter, No. 1960), and 32° in the Ancient and Accepted Rite of England and Wales, which was recently conferred and was a source of great gratification to him. ...........I do not think of the thirty or less members of the Lodge any of us thought more highly of the honour than he did, and the fact of his membership was usually announced in the works and pamphlets he issued since his election. It is but bare justice to add that no Lodge will feel his removal from their midst more than the members of No. 2076, each of whom recognised him as a most devoted Craftsman and zealous student, and several loved him as their dear friend and fellow labourer..........


To briefly refer to Bro. Whymper's literary achievements in relation to Freemasonry is far from easy, though a very pleasant duty to perform. His handsome reproduction of the celebrated " Regius MS.," in fac-simile,  was his first important work. His able Introduction to which was both appropriate and opportune.

The next volume from his prolific pen was in 1888, and entitled " The Religion of Freemasonry," edited by the indefatigable Bro. G. W. Speth, with an introduction by me. The editor discharged his duties with marked ability, especially under the circumstances, as the author had to return to India before the MS. was properly arranged. It is an extraordinary book in many respects, exhibiting considerable research, originality of treatment, and abundance of facta concerning the " burning question " (in India) of Christian or Cosmopolitan Freemasonry.



In 1889 was issued, in pamphlet form, "Articles on the Constitutions of Freemasonry, by Bro. W. J. Hughan, P.G.D., privately printed for Bro. H. J. Whymper.

He also delivered a number of interesting lectures, beginning with one on Masonic Literature before the District Grand Lodge of the Punjab, December 27th, 1888, which was printed in the Transactions, as also another September 8th, 1891 (when held at Murree) on " The Constitutions of Freemasonry " (MS. and printed), when he was warmly thanked for " his valuable and interesting address."


An able paper was read by our friend at the meeting of the Prince Albert Victor Lodge, No. 2370, on January 31st, 1891, on "Catalogues and Bibliographies," which has never been excelled, and he there and then exhibited his valuable Catalogue, in manuscript, of  Masonic Books in the English language; ordinary by-laws of lodges, etc., being excluded, and the proceedings of each Grand Lodge being counted as one volume. The title-page extended to some 8,000 articles......Bro. Whymper has been at this great work for several years, assisted by several of his collaborators in this country.


Two other remarkable publications should be noticed, viz., his reprint of " Acts of Parliament referring to Freemasonry," (a.d. 1799 and 1817), dedicated to Bros. Major Bowles and Capt. Leslie, intended as a reply to the Rev. Father Waterhouse ; and a smaller, but most valuable, volume (also in 1892) on " Early Printed Literature referring to Freemasonry," which contains accurate reproductions of the salient portions of Randle Holme's " Academy of Armoury," 1688 ; Dr. Plot's Staffordshire, 1686 ; Elias Ashmole's Diary,1717.


His numerous articles in the " Indian Masonic Review" and elsewhere I must not  now stay to allude to, nor the exhibition of Masonic Books and MSS., etc., which he so thoughtfully provided for his brethren in India. ......The "Punjab Masonic Institution " has lost in him one of its largest contributors and most constant supporters. Words fail me to express my feelings and affection for our noble brother deceased, I can only hope that the memory of his goodness will abide with us, and prove stimulative to us all.



There is no doubt: the Manuscript in possesion of the Pakistani gentleman is the lost copy of the Francken MS that was in the District Grand Lodge of Punjab Library at Lahore and that was first owned by Alexander Deuchar and then by Henry Josiah Whymper.


Statutes last page and Francken signature This is the major masonic discovery of the 21th century.


Mr Naveed Ahmed tells us that he is not a Mason as Pakistan islamic law forbids Freemasonry, but that his father was

"My father to the best of my knowledge was a member at the Prince Albert Victor Lodge No 2370 EC".


Curiously Ahmed is also in possession of the original warrant of Prince Albert Victor Lodge No 2370 EC. signed by Colonel Shadwell H. Clerke, Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge of England 1880-1891,  Edward, 1st Earl of Lathom, Deputy Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England 1874-1891, and Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (afterwards King Edward VII). Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England 1874-1901.


Mr Naveed Ahmed states to the Editor:

"The copy of the Francken MS was bought from the son of a late bro Mason in Lahore. He asked me for my help in selling of some rare masonic items which his father had collected over his life time, I offered to buy the complete collection."


At the present moment, only three Francken MSs are known to exist as Ill. Bro. Alain Bernheim 33 ° writes: "The most well-known one is dated from 1783, it is presently in Lexington, in the Library of the Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction (NMJ). An older one was re-discovered in England in 1976, it is dated from 1771 and is in the Library of the Supreme Council for England and Wales in London. A third one, undated, was rediscovered in 1983/4.


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